DISC - Digital skills for integration and active citizenship
- Toteutusaika:31.12.2018 - 31.3.2022
- Rahoittaja:Erasmus+ KA3
- Tutkimusohjelma:Kestävä ja monipuolinen sosiaali- ja terveysala
- Projektityyppi:International RDI
- Teemat:Digitalisaatio ja tiedon hallinta yhteiskunnassa, Pedagogiikka ja yhteiskehittäminen
- Projektipäällikkö:Minttu Räty
DISC – Digital Skills for Integration and Active Citizenship - was a three-year-project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
DISC Background
In today’s Europe, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become the primary source of information about political, social, cultural, academic and many other affairs and provide access to multiple public and private services. Digital skills are therefore crucial for being an active part of the society and also for being involved in virtual communities and social interactions.
Data from the EU countries show that newly arrived immigrants and their offspring are often poorly involved in communities, less successful in standard education and suffer from exclusion and isolation mostly because of their lower social, economic and cultural capital and language difficulties. With fast growing immigrant population in Europe there is a strong need for tools to support their integration process and prevent exclusion. This can be successfully done by enhancing their digital skills and competences, which can
a) improve their autonomy in educational process,
b) facilitate inclusion into society through the use of digital technology,
c) support better, easier and faster understanding of host countries, culture, language and,
d) enable them to stay touch with their culture and people and prevent isolation.
DISC Objectives were
· Enhance digital skills of people with a migratory background and thus support their integration and promote active citizenship.
· Promote intercultural dialogue between local and migrant communities through digital tools.
· Strengthen the role of Higher education institutions and schools as open digital skills learning environment.
· Provide teachers and other educational staff with inclusive teaching methods and tools.
· Create networks on local, regional and European level for spreading good practices of educational integration.
DISC Partners
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland, coordinator)
CESIE (Italy)
INCOMA (Spain)
Uc Leuven-Limburg (Belgium)
Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia)
- Minttu Räty
- Lehtori
- Minttu.Raty@laurea.fi
- Puh 09 8868 7919