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InCITIES - Inclusive, sustainable, and resilient cities in Europe

Main focus of the project is to foster the transformation and modernization of the partner Universities and their ecosystems with a focus on cities’ needs. It aims at building capacity and strengthening the pathway to excellence with integrated knowledge HUBs.

  • Toteutusaika:1.10.2022 - 30.9.2025
  • Rahoittaja:Horizon Europe: Widening Participation
  • Tutkimusohjelma:Palveluliiketoiminta ja kiertotalous
  • Projektityyppi:International RDI
  • Teemat:Digitalisaatio ja tiedon hallinta yhteiskunnassa, Pedagogiikka ja yhteiskehittäminen, Eettinen osaaminen ja ennakointiosaaminen
  • Projektipäällikkö:Merja Iiskola

The European Union’s Horizon-Europe-funded project InCITIES – Trailblazing Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Cities started in October 2022. The project hopes to pave the way towards implementing the European Universities Campus by directly contributing to cross-border cooperation and enhancing skills within the InCITIES consortium to address grand societal challenges in Europe.

The InCITIES consortium is formed by partners of the PIONEER Alliance, which addresses the challenges of urban development. Laurea University of Applied Sciences is a member of the PIONEER Alliance together with four other European higher education institutions. 

The other members of the InCITIES consortium, in addition to Laurea, are Université Gustave Eiffel from France, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon from Portugal, TH Köln from Germany and the University of Zilina from Slovakia. The associated partners of the project include, for example, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council and the City of Porvoo from Finland. 
