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ROSE - Robots and the future of welfare services

Robots and the Future of Welfare Services (ROSE) hanke tutkii sitä, miten robotiikkaa voidaan hyödyntää sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kehittämiseksi, erityisesti ikääntyneiden ihmisten näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa sovelletaan käyttäjätutkimusta ja Livinglab lähestymistapaa. Twitter @ROSERobotic

  • Toteutusaika:1.5.2015 - 31.3.2021
  • Rahoittaja:Suomen Akatemia STN
  • Tutkimusohjelma:Kestävä ja monipuolinen sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Projektityyppi:Kansallinen TKI
  • Teemat:Digitalisaatio ja tiedon hallinta yhteiskunnassa, Eettinen osaaminen ja ennakointiosaaminen
  • Projektipäällikkö:Sari Heikkinen

ROSE  project aims to study the transformation of welfare services applying the social service robots. The focus is on services for the elderly people.  After studying and identifying options of technological transfers and innovation chains in this field, the perspective will be extended to other services. The key principles defining the project are:Focus on Services: We aim to study not only the possibilities of the technological disruption for particular existing services, but also the opportunities for completely new services, processes, service organization and the service system.

  • Acceptability focus: Acceptability by all stakeholders is a central issue issue in adoption of new ideas. We will identify all the key players of the robotic ecosystem and help to define their roles.
  • Holistic approach: The disruption is studied from all levels from the individual to the society and from ethical issues to the social and political sustainability of the service based society.
  • Multidisciplinarity: Issues that are tackled range from ethics and societal acceptance to technological possibilities and potential for product and service innovations.
  • Collaborative approach: The impact is ensured by close collaboration with public and private sector institutions, developers of new technologies, trade unions and workers as well as individuals as clients of welfare and social services.