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This is an day time teaching programme with English as the teaching language. The next application period will be announced later.

Basic in­for­ma­tion

  • Degree programme: Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree title: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • Duration of studies: 3,5 years (210 ECTS)

Graduates have excellent employment opportunities with the majority finding employment after graduation. Students typically work as specialists or entrepreneurs in digital marketing, corporate financial management or other fields.

The Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Management (BBA) at Laurea is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a career in business with an international focus in Finland or abroad. A key component of the programme is data-driven decision making and the use of digital tools to generate financial and market insights. You can specialise in digital marketing or financial management, and you can also choose studies from other areas of business management.

The scope of the degree programme is 210 ECTS credits, which is equivalent to 3,5 years of studies. However, depending on your own study schedule and flexibility, you can complete the degree in a shorter time as well.

Laurea ex­pe­ri­ences: Business Management student Lam Nguyen

Programme content

The degree programme includes core competence studies and complementary competence studies. The core competence studies are obligatory for all students, while the complementary competences studies allow you to focus on specific areas of business management and tailor the studies to your interests.

Complementary studies are offered, for example, in digital business, digital marketing and sales, financial planning, corporate finance and BI tools or entrepreneurship. Students are also able to choose complementary studies from other degree programmes at Laurea, as well as from Laurea’s partner universities in Finland and abroad, without additional tuition fees.

Your studies also include up to two work placements and a thesis.

Core competence

Core competence studies will give you a broad understanding of the key areas of business operations and a practical knowledge of all the basic functions of business.

During the core competence studies, you will study the following modules:

  • Business Operations 

    During these studies, you will develop interaction skills and competences in business, entrepreneurship and project work. You will learn to recognize and evaluate opportunities in the business environment.

  • Business De­vel­op­ment  

    These studies enable you to identify the needs of customers and develop customer-oriented products. You will learn how to generate and utilize financial information to support decision-making, plan and implement marketing activities, and acquire, develop, and manage customer relationships.

  • Sus­tain­abil­ity and Business Analysis 

    During these studies, you will learn to make business decisions based on data and to use various tools in service design and digital marketing. These studies develop your knowledge of data analysis, sustainability, corporate responsibility, and the circular economy.

  • Expert in a Work Community (work placements) 

    Your studies include 30 ECTS worth of work placements which is approximately 5 months in total. You can choose to complete the work placements separately (two 15 ECTS periods) or combine the placements into one longer period.

  • Expert in De­vel­op­ment and Workplace Innovation (including the Thesis) 

    These studies will develop your ability to study individually and in teams, carry out research and development work and support your career development and work identity. The degree includes a thesis project amounting to 15 ECTS in which you demonstrate your expertise in your field. The thesis may be a workplace development project or be done as part Laurea’s research and development activities.

Complementary competence

During the complementary competence studies, you can specialize and develop your skills in specific areas. Two main study paths are recommended for complementary studies:

  • Corporate Financial Management
  • Digital Marketing

We also offer studies in a range of other subjects, including international trade, entrepreneurship and human resources management. Students can also choose studies from Laurea’s other bachelor’s degree programmes, such as Business Information Technology.

See the curriculum here

Studying in the Business Management programme at Laurea

Studies on the Business Management programme are offered as daytime studies, which means that most of your core competence studies are completed during weekdays (from Mon to Fri) between 9 am and 6 pm. However, the Business Management programme is a flexible programme, so you can choose from several paths and study options, with many possibilities also for online studies.

Many courses are taught using Laurea’s own award-winning pedagogical model, Learning by Developing. Following this approach students collaborate on authentic projects with lecturers, companies and business experts to develop and innovate business solutions. These collaborative projects enable you to develop business insight and hone your interpersonal and project management skills.

The Business Management degree programme is suitable for students with a variety of backgrounds and interests. In addition to the skills of management, collaboration and problem-solving, you will also learn to use many of the digital tools needed in the modern workplace. Several of our courses provide students with the opportunity to complete industry-recognized certifications and qualifications, such as those offered by Microsoft, Google and SAS. These will further enhance your prospects in the job market.

Your previous studies and work experience are also carefully considered when planning the studies. In many cases, it is possible to compensate for part of the studies through credit transfer or competence demonstrations, allowing you to progress rapidly through your studies. In all these discussions, you will be supported by a dedicated personal tutor, who will help you navigate the course selections and provide you with career counselling advice.

In­ter­na­tion­al­ity in studies

Throughout your studies you will have excellent opportunities for internationalisation and networking. As an English-language programme, we attract a diverse range of students and the typical group will contain students with many different first languages, both from other European countries and from around the world.

Through Laurea’s partnership network you will also be able to study on exchange in most continents from South America to the Far East, or even do a double degree, as well as experiencing internationalization at home through courses which have been created together with our international partner universities.

In the modern post-Covid world, much work will be carried out through online interaction in global teams. The Working across borders virtual exchange project is one example of a course where you will experience the challenges and rewards of this type of collaboration in teams of students and teachers from around the world, all investigating sustainability solutions for a client company.

In­ter­na­tional double degrees

For students who are progressing well in their studies, there is also the opportunity to take a Double Degree. On a Double Degree programme all your complementary competence studies are taken at a partner institution abroad, where you will typically study for two semesters. Students will graduate with a degree from Laurea and from the partner institution, provided that the student fulfils the requirements for graduation at the home institution as well as the additional requirements of the host institution.

In Business Management we currently have double degree arrangements with the following institutions:

Student story - Philipp Funke

After graduation – employment and further studies

Your studies will equip you with key skills in critical thinking and communication, sustainability and entrepreneurship, and technological and digital competence. You will be practically oriented and able to work in different organizations and companies as experts or managers. Many of our students profile themselves as specialists, for example in the field of digital business, marketing, service design or accounting and finance. Others will go on to establish their own businesses.

You can also continue your studies in a master’s degree programme. To apply for a master's level degree programme at a university or university of applied sciences you must have completed your bachelor degree. You can apply for a master’s degree programme in Finland in a university of applied sciences when you have worked for two years after completing your bachelor's degree. Laurea offers several master’s degree programmes taught in Finnish and two master’s degree programmes in Business Administration in English:

Tuition fees and schol­ar­ships

This programme has no tuition fees for EU students.

Non-EU/EEA area students in degree programmes taught in English are charged tuition fees.

Tuition fee: €9 500/ academic year for non-EU/EEA students.

Read more about the tuition fees and scholarships

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More in­for­ma­tion:

To be announced

Will be updated later

How to apply

Apply for our degree programmes in English

Read more here about the application process.

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