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eHealth2023 conference occurs at Laurea's Tikkurila campus on 12.-13.10.

Do digital services meet promised levels in social welfare and health care? The Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth and Laurea University of Applied Sciences are organising an international eHealth conference on 12–13 October 2023 in Vantaa at the Laurea campus.

At the start of 2023, the responsibility for organising social welfare and health care services was transferred from municipalities and joint municipal authorities to wellbeing services counties. The objective of establishing wellbeing services counties was to ensure equal, accessible, high-quality and cost-effective services for citizens. The transition has entailed extensive changes in health care information systems, and their development will continue in the following years.

Laurea and the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth are hosting an annual conference on current topics, themed Human oriented approach in eHealth and digital services.

The research programme of Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the main theme of the eHealth 2023 conference highlight Laurea’s commitment to promoting and improving innovations in digital social welfare and health care. By focusing on a human-oriented approach, robust data production and the development of user-centred, security-conscious solutions, Laurea is poised to provide valuable contributions to the changing environment of digital social and health services. In addition, Laurea is very interested in increasing its expertise and competence in this area.

The objectives set for digital services are related to promises concerning the promptness, efficiency and accessibility of care and services. The conference will address how digital services can be used to promote access to care – and whether citizens are able to use electronic services regardless of time and place. Another topic will be the equal consideration of different user groups in the development of electronic services.

There will be talks highlighting how the introduction of services is guided by customers’ needs and their ability to use services – while professionals must be able to trust that information systems are reliable and user-friendly. For this reason, the development work will require cooperation across many sectors. The conference will bring together professionals and companies in social welfare and health care, technology and service development. The topics for this year will include sustainable digital services, remote service practices and the status of vulnerable groups. The seminar will also include workshops, poster presentations and a business exhibition related to the theme.

The conference will provide information on the development of the sector from both a Finnish perspective and an international one. This year, one of the international speakers at the seminar will be Ilias Iakovidis, adviser to the European Commission – his lecture will focus on digitalisation and a sustainable transition in the health care sector. The annual eHealth award will also be given out at the conference.

Conference programme

More information: Paula Veikkolainen, Member of the Board of the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth, Communications Officer,, +358 407415312


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