Otaniemi Campus
On the Otaniemi Campus you can choose studies in social services, health care, physical education, or business management, allowing you to graduate as a Bachelor of Health Care, Bachelor of Social Services, Nurse, or Public Health Nurse and Bachelor of Business Management.

Contact details
Metsänpojankuja 3, 02130 Espoo
Opening hours
Mon-Thu at 7.30-18.00
Fri at 7.30-16.00
Lobby & Facilities Service
Phone +358 9 8868 7502 or +358 40 752 6484
e-mail: aulapalvelut.otaniemi@laurea.fi
On the eve of public holidays, please check the opening hours on Google or the campus lobby services.
Student affairs offices
+358 9 8868 7500
Opening hours for student affairs offices
Library opening hours and contact details
Directions and parking
The Otaniemi campus is located on the North Tapiola side in Espoo close to the Kehä 1 ring road, which is easily reached by public bus transport or car from Helsinki and from the direction of Leppävaara.
There is limited parking available on campus, and public transport is recommended, if possible. The parking area is located behind the building, where you can ask for a parking permit from the Info. A few parking spaces where a parking disk is required can be found in front of the building and behind it.
Personnel and students are entitled to a longer-term parking permit, which is available at the Info.
The Otaniemi campus offers versatile and pleasant meeting and conference spaces for companies and associations of different fields, as well as for private individuals. The needs of the disabled have also been taken into account on the Otaniemi campus. Doors which open at the press of a button and elevators allow easy access to each floor.
In matters concerning the building you can get in touch with the Lobby and Facilities Service Coordinators. Other enterprises also operate on campus, including Fysiosporttis and Cleanside.
Degree Programmes and learning environments
On the Otaniemi Campus you can choose studies in social services, health care, physical education, or business management, allowing you to graduate as a Bachelor of Health Care, Bachelor of Social Services, Nurse, or Public Health Nurse and Bachelor of Business Management.
The Otaniemi business unit is called Laurea Business Ventures, abbreviated LBV.
Further training and specialisation studies for the development of one's own professional skill and for networking is offered to various target groups as needed.
Students have available to them computer classrooms, special classrooms specific to their own programme, facilities such as an ActivityLab and a TV studio, small spaces for more independent project work, and a Laurea library, which operates on campus.
Student entrepreneurship and projects from many fields have a strong presence on campus. Examples include student cooperatives, which offer services linked with well-being during free time based on Laurea's LbD development-based learning model, working closely with the world of business.
Students and personnel also have free access to a gym whenever there is no prior booking or outside activity.