Digital services for students
Student intra is the most important information source related to your studies. Download Tuudo mobile app to easily check your schedule, campus restaurant menus and latest news for students.

Student intra
From Student intra you can find for example document templates, jobs and internships as well as information on thesis, graduation, study guidance and student exchange. There you can also find quicklinks to all the systems Laurea's students need.
Intranet can be used also by mobile phone by downloading Sharepoint app.
Use Pakki to enroll for studies, to check implementation plans for studies and to see your study records and grades. Pakki has replaced previously used Soleops system. Pakki student's desktop (login with your student account)
Canvas is a digital platform for studies and it is used in all Laurea's study programmes. New students have a orientation course in Canvas, that they can access as soon as they have activated their Laurea account.
​Canvas is easy to use by mobile phone. Download Canvas (first search Laurea UAS and sign in).
Tuudo is a mobile application that supports your studies at Laurea. Tuudo connects all the services you need while studying – all on a user interface you carry around.
With Tuudo, you can for example:
- Check your study record
- Check your automatically created schedule
- Check campus restaurant menus
- Check locations at the campus
- Read Laurea's news and events
- Check public transport timetables
Tuudo helps you to plan your schedule and manage your life both on and off campus. Tuudo doesn't replace the institution's browser-based services, and its use is not compulsory for students.
Tuudo works on Android and iOS devices. You can download Tuudo from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Log in to Tuudo with your student ID and password when you sign up; no login is required after this.
Student email
Student email (login with your student account). Email and other Office 365 services such as Onedrive and Word and PowerPoint online can also be accessed via student intra.
Student' Facebook group
In the Students' Facebook group you can find interesting projects and tips for studying. In the group you can also buy or sell coveralls, organize carpools, or ask and discuss different topics freely. The group is meant for all Laurea’s students and other members of the university’s community.
The Facebook group has been created together by Laurea and Student union Laureamko.
Join the new Facebook group here!
JobTeaser connects university students and companies, enabling both to communicate with people and companies that interest them quickly. Companies leave announcements one at a time per the University of applied sciences, so in the announcements submitted to Laurea's JobTeaser, they want to target you, Laurea's student.
In JobTeaser you can find Europe-wide
- jobs of different levels and lengths
- internships
- NOTE Internships in the social security field go through Jobiili
- thesis topics
- various events, webinars, and trainings announced by companies
- company profiles, from which you can get to know the company and communicate directly with employers
- the company profiles of Laurea's key partners are always listed first
- tips for building a working career offered by Laurea's career services
- you can also make an appointment for career guidance
You can add your own CV to your profile and this way become visible to our key partners in the talent bank. From there, they can directly recruit our students for their own open positions.
JobTeaser (login with Laurea account)