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Laurea graduates from 2018 participate in career monitoring survey

Laurea alumni who graduated in 2018 will soon be able to participate in this year’s national career monitoring survey.

What are the career prospects of graduates from Finnish universities of applied sciences? What kinds of positions are different graduates currently occupied in? And how satisfied are they with the competence they gained from their studies, or what types of skills are relevant in today's different fields? The answers to these questions and more will be sought with the soon-to-be-launched career monitoring survey for universities of applied sciences.

The national career monitoring survey for universities of applied sciences will be launched on 12 October. The annual survey is aimed at those who completed their studies at a university of applied sciences five years ago, meaning that this year’s survey will focus on the graduates of 2018. The survey will be conducted simultaneously at every university of applied sciences in Finland.

Career monitoring data helps develop future educational pursuits

The purpose of the national career monitoring survey for universities of applied sciences is to collect data on the work and career status of graduates five years after the end of their studies, including their satisfaction with their careers and degrees. 

The results of the survey are vital for the development of the education and guidance that are offered to students. The career monitoring survey provides Laurea graduates with the opportunity to influence the education provided at Laurea, helping the University to better meet the needs of today’s workplaces: 

- In addition to degree-awarding education, we want to develop our efforts in continuous learning, such as the studies we offer via our open university of applied sciences and continuing education modules, says Vice President Katri Ojasalo, who is responsible for education at Laurea. 

- The career monitoring survey provides us with extremely valuable data that we can use to offer training and educational modules that are better suited to the needs of graduates who wish to update their competence. 

The results of the survey also provide valuable insight to current students, as it allows them to plan their careers and consider different career paths, for example. 

Thirdly, the national career monitoring survey also affects the funding provided to universities of applied sciences, and each response is important to Laurea. 

Graduates will be invited to participate by email and text message

This year, the career monitoring survey will be sent to those who graduated in 2018. The invites to the survey will be sent on Thursday, 12 October, by email and text message. The survey will be available until 12 November. 

All responses to the survey will processed confidentially, and no individual respondents can be identified from the responses received. The results of previous years’ surveys are available on Vipunen, the statistical service of the Finnish National Agency for Education, as well as on töissä.fi, the open online service for highlighting the positions and career paths of graduates from higher education institutions.