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Työtä, tekijöitä ja osaamista ikääntyneiden palveluihin (TEOS)

Together with services for older people, we are now looking for and designing work tasks that could help reshape the division of tasks in the sector and encourage new employee groups to work and study in the field. We are also supporting local collaboration between actors of multisectoral employment, support, and competence service networks as well as advancing the utilisation of digital platforms in reaching potential employees.

  • Implementation date10/1/2023 - 9/30/2025
  • FunderESR+ 2021-2027
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeKansallinen TKI
  • ThemesDigitalisation and information management in society, Pedagogy and cocreation
  • Project managerMinna Launonen