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DigiRise - Digitalisoituva rikosseuraamusala: Laadullinen tutkimus työntekijä-asiakas-suhteen ja rikosseuraamusalan osaamisvaatimusten muutoksesta digitalisaation myötä

The DigiRise research project (The digitizing field of criminal sanctions: Qualitative research on the change in the employee-client relationship and competence requirements in the field of criminal sanctions due to digitization) will be implemented during the years 2023-2024 and has been funded by the Prison and Probation Service of Finland (PPSF), Research and Development Fund. The research focuses on the PPSF's employees and incarcerated people. The subject of interest is how digitalization changes client work and encounters between employees and incarcerated people. The research examines the opportunities and challenges related to the digitalization of prisons from the point of view of client involvement and desistance from crime. Of special interest is the change of operational culture and the changing employee-client relationship. The research asks: 1) How does digitalization change client work with incarcerated people? What is the significance of digitalization from the point of view of interaction between employee and client, as well as client processes?, and 2) How does digitalization change the professional and competence requirements of work in the field of criminal sanctions?

  • Implementation date3/1/2023 - 12/31/2024
  • FunderOikeusministeriö
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeKansallinen TKI
  • ThemesDigitalisation and information management in society
  • Project managerEeva Järveläinen