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War in Ukraine impacts Laurea

Laurea University of Applied Sciences is not making any initiatives for new projects, and existing cooperation between organisations are suspended for the time being.

The Ministry of Education and Culture recommends that Finnish higher education institutions refrain from all cooperation with Russian partner organisations in higher education and science. According to this policy, Laurea is not making any initiatives for new projects, and existing cooperation between organisations are suspended for the time being. In accordance with Laurea's previous policy, we will assess the conditions for extending the current commitments in this new situation, as a result of which e.g. Laurea University of Applied Sciences' key partnership with Teboil Oy has been terminated on February 28, 2022.

Laurea University of Applied Sciences, The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ( Arene), other Finnish universities of Applied Sciences, the Finnish Government and the European Union all declare support for Ukraine and condemn Russian war action in Ukraine.

Laurea has students from Ukraine as well as Russia. We support all of our students and strive to offer a safe environment for studies – even when a war in Europe concerns us all deeply. Laurea strictly prohibits any hate speech or harassment. If a student experiences harrasment, he or she may report it through the online reporting platform First Whistle. 

Every student has the right to a safe study environment and a sense of security in the study community. Laurea is an educational institution where there is no room for discrimination. Laurea is politically and religiously non-aligned. (See Accessibility and equality programme for students)

The state of war in Europe worries us all. At Laurea, we offer a variety of wellbeing services and discussion assistance that we have actively communicated to our students and staff in the student intranet.

There are currently no Laurea students in exchange in Ukraine or Russia. Students in exchange in other countries have been contacted and offered support. The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends (27.2.2022) leaving Ukraine immediately. Also, their latest advise is to avoid all travel to Russia. For the time being, no travel is allowed from Laurea to either country.

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