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Laurea Receives Five-Star Quality Certificate

In the spring of 2024, Laurea University of Applied Sciences underwent an EFQM model-based evaluation in collaboration with Excellence Finland (formerly the Finnish Quality Association), focusing on its research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities. Laurea achieved a record-breaking score of 502 points in the evaluation, 65 points higher than the assessment conducted in 2022. As a result, Laurea’s star rating increased from four to five stars. Compared to other organizations in Finland assessed using the EFQM model, Laurea’s results in all evaluation areas were at or above the median level.

The purpose of the evaluation was to leverage the insights from the external assessment team to support the long-term development of RDI activities, particularly in increasing both the volume and impact of these activities. Laurea’s RDI operations were assessed based on written materials and interviews conducted by experts from various fields.

The expert group produced an extensive evaluation report, highlighting several key strengths of Laurea’s RDI activities, including systematic and dynamic knowledge management, an open and encouraging atmosphere, a strong organizational culture, active collaboration, communication, and effective operational models. The organization and clear focus areas of Laurea’s RDI work were also praised. The overall feedback was highly encouraging. The evaluators summarized their feedback to the Laurea community as follows:

"Simply outstanding work, with quality, systematic approaches, and genuine leadership commitment to development serving as strong cornerstones. Significant progress has been made since the last EFQM assessment, and we hope this positive momentum continues! The open and welcoming atmosphere, along with the solid organizational culture, enables the strong development of RDI activities – take care of your strengths and continue to advance good practices and operational models throughout the organization."

Laurea’s President and CEO, Jouni Koski, expressed his delight at the results and the encouraging feedback.

"Our organization is evolving, and we are in the process of implementing a new strategy. The feedback came at just the right time for us. Moving forward, we will focus on areas for improvement, but we will not forget our strengths. They are something to celebrate," Koski said.

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model is an internationally recognized framework for managing and improving organizational performance. The model is suitable for organizations of all sizes and sectors.