Laurea becomes a member of the Planetary Health Alliance
Planetary Health Alliance, a community of over 400+ organizations from 60+ countries, committed to understanding and addressing global environmental change and its health impacts.
Laurea is now a member of the Planetary Health Alliance, a community of over 400+ organizations from 60+ countries, coordinated by Johns Hopkins University and committed to understanding and addressing global environmental change and its health impacts. The mission of the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) is to promote, mobilize, and lead an inclusive, transdisciplinary field of Planetary Health and with its diverse science, stories, solutions, and communities to achieve the Great Transition, a comprehensive shift in how human beings interact with each other and Nature.
With its key values of hope, urgency, justice, equity, compassion, humility, science-driven innovation and partnership and inclusivity, the diverse PHA community strives for lasting partnerships marked by deep respect and interdependence within our communities and in our relationships between people and nature. All voices must be at the table to share ideas, explore different perspectives, and collaborate to enable all people to act as changemakers.
The PHA membership with its community building, regional hubs, and next generation networking will also greatly support Laurea's own strategic sustainable development goals, and it creates new RDI as well as global educational possibilities for Laurea and the PHA partners, making also Laurea's sustainability actions and competences globally visible.