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Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Future Communities

The Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Future Communities will be hosted in collaboration with American and European experts from the industry and academia.  

Event Dates: 19th - 23rd August 2024 (Registration closed on May 31st 2024)

Event Hosts: Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland, and Nazareth University, USA
EU Pioneer Alliance Partners: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic; Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands; and University of Zilina, Slovakia.
Location of the event: Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vanha Maantie 9, 02650, Espoo, Finland
Participants’ profile: Interested experts from the AI industry and academia, with students, trainers, and decision makers.

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The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium will be hosted in collaboration with American and European experts from industry and academia. The Symposium is aimed at exploring the impact of AI on Future Cities and Communities and stimulating a thought-provoking journey into the world of AI and its profound impact on the modern world.

Join us for an immersive 5 days where leading experts, thought leaders, educators and industry pioneers will explore the positive impacts: ethical, educational, and policy dimensions of Artificial Intelligence across the globe. The Symposium will include keynote speeches, panels, workshops, and engaging discussions focused on AI in the digital era and how AI aligns with human values and benefits all.

The AI Symposium will be complemented by a 2-day of expert Cyber Security training offered by CyberSecPro Digital Europe Programme project. The training is recommended for all participants of the Symposium since it is a component that will make a full physical week of the EU Erasmus partners’ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). Before the physical week, an online mandatory preparatory session will be hosted in June, and it is required for all EU participants to receive grants for their BIP participation. EU partners can redeem Erasmus+ staff training grants from their institutions if they are accepted to join this event.

Overarching Theme: Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Future Communities


  • To learn the foundation of the AI in a Digital Era
  • To explore the transformative impact of AI on the future cities and communities
  • To ponder on the ethical considerations and responsible AI developments
  • To explore solutions of AI impact on the field of education
  • To discuss the role of education and policy in shaping AI's future
  • To envision a future where AI can align with human values and benefits all.

Takeaways from the programme 

  1. Exclusive Insights from the Forefront of AI: Seize the opportunity to gain unparalleled insights into the future of artificial intelligence from world-renowned experts. Missing this symposium means missing out on cutting-edge knowledge that could influence the direction of your projects and research.
  2. Networking with a Global AI Community: This Symposium is a rare gathering of international AI professionals, academics, and industry leaders. The chance to build valuable connections here is unparalleled, offering pathways to collaborative ventures and insights into global AI trends.
  3. One-Week Intensive Format: The programme allows for focused learning and deeper knowledge acquisition within a manageable timeframe.
  4. Hands-On Learning and Future Visioning: Engage in immersive workshops and discussions that tackle real-world AI applications, ethical considerations, and the envisioning of AI's future. This Symposium is not just about where AI is today; it will suggest where it can take us tomorrow. Missing it is missing the chance to be part of shaping our future.
  5. Deep Dive into AI and Cybersecurity: The programme offers a comprehensive understanding of both AI and cybersecurity, ultimately equipping you to leverage your know-how of the intersection of these two fields.

The Symposium Programme 

Day 1, 19.08.2024: Introduction to AI and its Impact on the Future Communities

Morning sessions: AI in Future Communities
08:30-09:15  (Place: Main lobby)
Registrations for All Participants - sitting in  auditorium Timo
09:30-09:40  (Place: Timo Auditorium)
Welcome and Opening of the AI Symposium.  
Speaker: Katri Ojasalo, Vice President, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
09:40-09:45  (Place: Timo Auditorium)
Greetings from the PIONEER European University Alliance.  
Speaker: Sylvie Chevrier, Deputy Vice-President International, Gustave Eiffel University, France  
09:45-10:30  (Place: Timo Auditorium)
Keynote Speech: AI in Future Communities. 

Speaker: Jeffrey Allan, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology  (IRT), Nazareth University, USA.

10:45-12:30  (Place:Timo Auditorium)
Keynote Panel Discussion: AI's implications in future cities and communities. Perspectives from Europe and USA
Moderator: Paresh Rathod: Thematic Leader (Cyber RDI) and Expert EU Cybersecurity Agency-ENISA, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
H.E. Mr. Adam Vojtěch
Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Finland
H.E. Mrs. Agnès Cukierman
Ambassador of France in Finland
H.E. Mr. Douglas Hickey   
Ambassador of the United States of America in Finland
H.E. Mrs. Sabrina Dallafior Matter
Ambassador of Switzerland in Finland
Ms. Maria Rautavirta
Director, Data Business Unit, Data, Safety and Security Department, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland.
Lunch Break
Afternoon sessions: The Impact of AI Worldwide
13:30-14:00  (Place: Timo Auditorium)
Expert talk: Ethical Considerations in Applied  AI Research. 
Peter Novitzky, Associate Professor — Ethics of Emerging Technologies, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.
14:10-15:00 (Place:as stated in each workshop) 
Parallel  Workshops and discussions: AI's influence in different communities. 
(Place: Room, 182) 
Impact of AI in the health sectors: Challenges, opportunities, and ethical  considerations.
Workshop facilitators: Outi Ahonen, Mikko Julin, and Mitha Jose; Lecturers, Experts and Researchers, Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH), Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
(Place: Room, 195 + 195A) 
AI in the transport and supply chain industry: Challenges and opportunities.
Workshop facilitator: Michal Koháni, Vice-Rector for Information Systems, University of Žilina.
(Place: Room, 238) 
CyberSecPro: Digital Europe Programme to advance skills and professionalism in EU cybersecurity.
Workshop facilitators: Paulinus Ofem, Jari Räsänen, and Jari Savolainen; Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.  
(Place: Room, 239) 
ELSA Labs.
Workshop facilitator: Peter Novitzky, Associate Professor — Ethics of Emerging Technologies, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.
Networking Break
15:15-16:10  (Place: Main Lobby)
Poster Session: Display of posters on the impact of AI in different communities based on the workshop cases 
Presenters: Student’s representatives from each case workshops to the audience.
**** Selected posters made by participants will also be displayed and presented during the poster session.
16:15-17:00 (Place:Timo Auditorium)
Keynote address: AI in the Future Communities
Speaker: Mikko Hyppönen, World Renowned Technology Keynote  Speaker and author. Works as Chief Research Officer at  WithSecure and as the Principal Research Advisor at F-Secure, Finland.            

Day 2, 20.08.2024: Exploring AI Applications and Implications in Various Sectors including Education.

Morning sessions: AI Applications and Implications

09:00-09:30 (Place: Main Lobby)        
09:30-10:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)    
Keynote address: Envisioning a Future where AI Aligns with Human Values

Speaker: Christopher Evatt, a practitioner working on AI for social impact

Networking Break

10:45-12:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Panel Discussion: AI in the Workplace: Reshaping Jobs and Skills 
Moderator: Johanna Larsson,Project Manager, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce with Extensive Experience in the International Expert Recruitment for Finnish Companies

Panelists: Michal Pluhacek, Assoc.Prof.Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Tomas Bata University, CzechRep; Stylianos Karagiannis, Technical Expert and Developer, PDMFC- An IT company, Portugal; Paresh Rathod, Thematic Leader (Cyber RDI) and Expert EU Cybersecurity Agency-ENISA, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Networking Lunch - Bar Laurea Restaurant

Afternoon sessions: AI in Education with Focus on Students and Upskilling Existing Workforce

13:30-14:15 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)    
Tutorial: Overview of available AI tools for academics and students 

Speaker: Michal Pluhacek, Professor, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Tomas Bata University in Zlín.

Networking  Break

14:30 – 15:15 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)    
AI for students 

Speaker: Tomas Kadavy, Professor, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic

Networking Break

15:30 – 16:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)  

AI for Upscaling the Academic Workforce

Speaker: Roman Šenkeřík, Professor and Head of AI Lab, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic

16:30 – 17:00 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)    
Open discussion and closing remarks

Speaker: Roman Šenkeřík, Professor and Head of AI Lab, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Department of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic


Day 3, 21.08.2024: Reflecting on AI Policies in EU-USA and the Future of AI in Communities

Morning sessions: Reflecting on the AI Policies
09:00-09:30 (Place: Main lobby)
09:30-10:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Keynote address: AI Landscape in the European Union: Policy, Governance and Frameworks 
Speaker: Prof. Nineta Polemi
Professor (Cybersecurity), University of Piraeus, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder, Trustilio BV with Extensive experience in EU AI & Cybersecurity areas. Served in various European Commission-EU institutes.
Networking Break
10:45-12:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Keynote address: AI Landscape in the USA: Policy Implications, Governance and Frameworks 
Speaker: Jeffrey Allan, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), Nazareth University 
Networking Lunch - Bar Laurea Restaurant
Afternoon sessions: Future of AI in Society 
13:30-15:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Panel Discussion and Interactive Session with audience: AI for the Common Good: Building an Ethical and Inclusive AI Ecosystem.
Moderator: Jeffrey Allan, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), Nazareth University 
Ricardo Gregorio Lugo, Senior Researcher - Centre for Maritime Cybersecurity,  Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia.
Matti Luhtala, Designer for Service and Business Innovation, Vincit Oyj, Finland.
Salla Westerstrand, AI Designer and AI ethicist, Solita, Finland 
Tuure Saloheimo, vincit, Finland
Refreshing Break
1545 -16:30 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
AI Symposium Closing Remarks, including announcing the next symposiums’ dates in Europe and the United States.
      1. Joseph Porter, Associate Dean, School of Business and Leadership, Nazareth University, USA 
      2. Roman Šenkeřík, Head of AI Lab, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
      3. Tanja Johansson, Director, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland. 

1630- Closing reception and farewell 

Day 4, 22.08.2024: Cyber Security Training and Excursions: Cy­berSecPro Digital Europe Programme  

Morning sessions
Trainers: CyberSecPro Trainers: The expert trainers are from the 27 EU partners including higher education institutions, companies, and a quality assurance body, CyberSecPro brings together partners with diverse experiences and capabilities to offer this training.
Morning sessions
Session-1: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Session-2: Human Aspects of the Cybersecurity
Networking Lunch 
Afternoon sessions
Session-3: Cybersecurity Risk, Incident and Crisis Management
Discussion and Networking 
15:00- 16:30
Walking Guided Tour in Porvoo- The City of Charming Moments

Day 5, 23.08.2024: Cyber Security Training and Concluding the week.

Morning sessions
Trainers: CyberSecPro Trainers: The expert trainers are from the 27 EU partners including higher education institutions, companies, and a quality assurance body, CyberSecPro brings together partners with diverse experiences and capabilities to offer this training.
10:00-10:30  (Place: Main Lobby)
10:30-11:15  (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Session-4: Cybersecurity Controls and Network Security
11:15-12:00 (Place: Tuomo Auditorium)
Session-5: Cybersecurity Penetration Testing
Networking Lunch 
Afternoon sessions 
13:30-14:15 (Place: Neon Lab, Room 11)
Session-6: Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises / Cybersecurity Workshop
14:15-15:00 (Place: Neon Lab, Room 11)
Session-7: Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises / Cybersecurity Workshop
15:15- 16:00
Awarding Certificates of Participation and Closing of the Week.



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