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Sus­tain­able and versatile social and health care

The research programme is responsible for the development and research activities of health, well-being and functional capacity through both national and international activities. It will strengthen social inclusion and takes into account ethical considerations, multi-professional cooperation and future needs in social welfare and healthcare services as well as in sustainable development.

Laurea promotes the well-being of the population

The objective of the research programme is to both utilise and produce evidence-based research data and develop end user-driven solutions, services and products. Changing demography, globalisation, technological development and transformation of work have a strong effect on social structures and action models as well as the well-being of the population. The changes involve challenges but also opportunities for promoting the population’s health and well-being.

The content of our research programme strongly reflects our extensive expertise in social services and health care as well as Laurea’s important role as a significant educator in the field of health care.

Well-being is approached through a holistic view of human beings and society. The important elements include participation, functional ability, performance and empowerment of people. Our current themes include:

  • Promotion of health, well-being, functional capacity and inclusion
  • Promotion of well-being at work in a changing operating environments
  • New skills in the social and health sector
  • Utilization of new technologies in the social and health sector
  • Utilization of creative methods and other co-development and service design in service development work
  • Sustainable development in the furtherance of health and well-being

Laurea as part of the national and in­ter­na­tional col­lab­o­ra­tion network

Our area of operation is large, reaching from our nearby areas to international operating environments. We carry out research and development by engaging in active cooperation with companies, the public sector, organisations and end users. Many universities and research institutes in Finland and abroad are our important partners in development cooperation.

Important sources of funding for the projects of the research programme include the structural funds of the European Union (ESF, EDRF, INTERREG), the health promotion appropriation (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health), Academy of Finland (Strategic Research Council), grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as a number of Finnish foundations and research programmes.

Laurea carries out and promotes health and well-being research, development and innovation in a number of Finnish and international networks.

Read more about our research projects


What is sus­tain­able and versatile social and health care research program

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