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Ikääntyvän väestön toimintakyky, kuntoutus ja terveysetuudet vuosina 2017-2021

The aim is to understand what the work and functional ability of the aging Finnish population is like compared to similar age groups in other European countries and how rehabilitation and health benefits are associated with the work ability and continuation of work of the aging Finnish population. In addition, the aim is to identify characteristics related to both the individual and work, which could be affected by intervention and the ability to continue working, and the work and rehabilitation paths of the aging population are monitored. The SHARE survey data and register data are analyzed.

  • Implementation date1/1/2023 - 12/31/2024
  • FunderKela / Fpa
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeKansallinen TKI
  • Themes
  • Project managerLeena Forma