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Privacy statement for pub­li­ca­tions


Laurea University of Applied Sciences (business ID 1046216-1). Ratatie 22, 01300 Vantaa.

Contact person for registry related matters

Hanna Lahtinen
Tel. 09 8868 7406
Vanha Maantie 9, 02650 Espoo

Purpose of processing personal data

Personal data included in the register is used for documenting the publications produced at Laurea. Information is collected for the publication information database of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, OKM), as well as Laurea’s own purposes of strategy, monitoring of objectives, and further development of publishing processes.

Data content of the register

Information in Laurea’s internal publishing channels (name, email address, and title of the author, organizational department, photo of the author, working title / final title of the publication, additional information of the publishing process).

Publishing contracts: Laurea Journal, Laurea Julkaisut series of publications, Laurea Long online publication

Information for publication reporting: JUSTUS Publication Information Reporting Service, information service and PowerBI reporting.

Stan­dard­ized sources of in­for­ma­tion

  • JUSTUS notifications
  • PEPPI information system entity
  • Publication and reference databases

The information is supplemented by data from publication channels’ online sites, printed materials, and by descriptions and clarifications requested from relevant people by email when necessary.

Authorized release of in­for­ma­tion

Publication information for the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM): Publication information is forwarded to VIRTA Publication Information Service and to the information service. OKM collects and uses information in supervision of higher education institutes (financial model, statistical goals, OKM’s feedback), in the ministry’s public reporting, in horizontal cooperation with other administrative branches, and to represent the state of the universities of applied sciences in Finland.

Laurea’s internal reporting: Information is transferred from the JUSTUS service to the PowerBI reporting tool, and the publication information is sent to the corresponding repository service Theseus.

Information release to the Research Council of Finland and to the University of Turku’s Research Unit for the Sociology of Education: Information is released for these organizations from the national database of universities of applied sciences via the VIRTA publication information service. Information is utilized in the applying and reporting processes of research funding. A research project identifier may be attached to the publications in VIRTA Publication Information Service.

Transfer of in­for­ma­tion outside EU or EEA

Information is not transferred outside the EU or EEA countries.

Principles of data protection

Manual material

There is no manual material.

In­for­ma­tion processed by ICT

In order to save publication data you must log in to the service using your HAKA or eDuuni account. The non-profit IT organization CSC is responsible for the administration, protection, information security, and data preservation in the nationally centralized system. Data processing is limited to the publication services personnel and the system administrators.

Information retention period follows the criteria of the decision made by the National Archives of Finland (12th Sept 2019), according to which the National Library is responsible for the permanent preservation of the publications of universities of applied sciences, based on the Act on Deposit and Preservation of Cultural Materials (1433/2007).

Right of inspection

Data entered by the personnel themselves can be inspected by logging on to the publication Information reporting service with valid credentials of the organization. Approved publications can be viewed in the public service. 

Right to request correction

The registrar is obliged ‒ on their own initiative or by request of the registered person ‒ without undue delay to correct, remove or supplement any personal information in the register that is inaccurate, unnecessary, inadequate or obsolete, as far as it is relevant to the purpose of the register.

Every person entered into the register has the right to request a correction to their personal information in case or an error. Requests for corrections must be submitted to the contact person of the register who will then rectify the error.

Information is corrected without any unnecessary delay. If a request for correction is refused, a written certificate of refusal will be given. The registered person has the right to refer the matter to the data protection supervisory authority at Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, P.O. Box 800, 00531 Helsinki. The Data Protection Ombudsman can instruct the registrar to correct the information.