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A Sus­tain­able Higher Education Community

A sustainable higher education community encourages financially, socially, and ecologically sustainable development locally and nationally. Laurea aims to include sustainable development themes in all degree programmes and promote the activities with RDI. In Laurea a sustainable higher education community includes students, staff, and stakeholders.

On these pages, you can find information on actions we have taken in line with our strategy and the goals set out in our Programme for Sustainable Development. We have a high number of goals, but sustainable development depends on everyone's repeated everyday choices and actions. Through our goals, we wish to strengthen our entire community's understanding of how important an individual’s choices are. The Sustainable Laurea website is an open channel where we will continuously update our centralised communication about sustainable development. This makes it possible to examine the impact of our work openly.

See the list below for our key goals and actions. 

De­vel­op­ment of expertise

  • The members of our higher education community recognizes the tools available for them for promoting sustainable development in their work, because the choices of the individual matter. 
  • The development of expertise takes place as part of national UAS cooperation on the theme of sustainable development. Laurea participates regularly in a national survey measuring the development of expertise. 
  • Our teaching personnel’s sustainable development is developed systematically. 


  • We implement, promote, and monitor our sustainable development choices as part of our strategic choices and development projects. 
  • We use society’s resources responsibly to promote the student’s learning and progress in their studies as well as sustainable regional development.
  • We look after the well-being of the higher education community’s members and, as a responsible employer, provide the preconditions for working and studying sustainably.
  • We challenge our enthusiastic higher education community to co-creation sustainable development solutions and innovations that support the achievement of our goals.
  • We ensure that our resources are used responsibly in investment activities.

Cooperation with Student Union Laureamko

  • We work closely together with Student Union Laureamko. We value and foster positive interaction and enable low-threshold communication.
  • We brainstorm themes for promoting sustainable development at meetings between management and the student union, in education development groups and in function-specific management teams.
  • Student Union Laureamko organises different student events in support of sustainable development several times a year. As a higher education institution, we participate in and support the student union’s important work.
  • In autumn 2020, Laurea and Laureamko launched a joint development project aiming to strengthen the student union's role in a changing world situation. Sustainable development will be included as part in this development project.

Equal and non-discriminatory UAS community

  • We make choices that uphold a culture of equality and non-discrimination, and we address any infringements in these areas.
  • Our materials, websites and intranet for the staff and students are accessible.
  • Through our everyday activities and with the support of ethical guidelines, we ensure that our community is safe and fair.
  • We comply with our Accessibility and equality plan for students and the Equality and non-discrimination plan for our personnel. We regularly ensure that they are up to date and monitor them.

More in­for­ma­tion: