Digital learning solutions
At Laurea, we want to offer our students flexible, digital learning solutions, such as MOOCs (massive open online courses). Laurea's MOOC team provides teachers with digipedagogical support and materials to support the creation of high-quality digital learning solutions. Find out more about the activities of the MOOC team and the materials produced below!

Laurea has a MOOC team that belongs to the digital unit of Laurea called dCELL. The team focuses on the development, construction, and provision of flexible, digital learning solutions. The team offers digipedagogical support to teachers and experts for the development and construction of high-quality automatically assessed courses, or MOOCs. The support can be, for example, consulting on the pedagogical use of digital tools or a joint development process of MOOC's digipedagogical solutions during which the teachers and experts are supported to consider questions relevant to the creation of MOOCs and find solutions to them together. The team also takes care of matters related to the entire life cycle and coordination of MOOCs and currently, coordinates and maintains the majority of Laurea's automated MOOC studies.
In addition to offering digipedagogical support and coordination of MOOC studies, the team does a lot of development work. Most recently, the team has created quality criteria for MOOC studies. In addition, the team publishes a lot of material related to MOOCs, such as podcasts and articles.
Check out the materials created by the MOOC team!
MOOC quality criteria
The quality criteria for MOOCs is a useful tool for MOOC creators, as they take into account the principles especially suitable for digital, automatically assessed learning. The quality criteria are divided into seven different themes: pedagogical choices, instructions & guidance, assessment, content, copyright & licenses, coherent visual appearance, and usability & accessibility.
The quality criteria of MOOCs can be used both when building a new MOOC course and when updating an existing course. In addition, the criteria are also generally applicable to evaluating the quality of MOOCs.
MOOCast - podcast series (in Finnish)
Published articles
Pekkarinen V., Uusi-Mäkelä M., Valsta S. & Tolonen T. (2023). Retention in MOOC courses – what can we learn? Laurea Long.
Pekkarinen, V. & Tolonen, T. (2022). Automatisoitu, vuorovaikutteinen ja pelillinen – monenlaiset MOOCit opetuksessa. Laurea Journal.
Köhler, H., Pekkarinen, V., Talasma, H., & Tiirikainen, P. (2021). "Pienikin kultahippu potilaan mieleen saattaa poikia myöhemmin kultaharkon” - MOOC:lla hoitava viestintä haltuun. Laurea Julkaisut 166, 70-76.
Pekkarinen, V. (2021). Rakentaisinko MOOCin vai en? Siinäpä vasta kysymys. Laurea Journal.
Pekkarinen, V. (2020). Automaattinen arviointi ja opintojen edistymisen seuranta Canvas verkko-oppimisympäristössä. Laurea Journal.
Pekkarinen, V. (2020). MOOCeja rakentamassa: Case Sotepeda24/7. Laurea Journal.
More information:
- Virve Pekkarinen
- Development Manager
- Tel 0504901919
- Tomi Tolonen
- Specialist
- Tel 0504143794
- Heli Kulomaa
- Planner
- Tel (09) 8868 7440