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Annual Report - Services

Impactful collaboration that benefits students

Kimmo Hannonen, Vice President (Support Services)

Laurea’s goal for its non-degree-awarding education is to further emphasise its volume, quality, and accessibility. With this in mind, we have planned and implemented an online store for learners who wish to make use of Laurea’s open UAS units, educational offerings implemented as business operations, and other products that are meaningful for the impact of Laurea’s activities. A major focus in this project has been the creation of a first-class customer experience that ensures that the learner does not have to wait before they receive the services related to their studies after registration and payment, if applicable. We have also made strides in automating our background processes so that our staff can focus on serving our learners.

In addition to building our online store, Laurea has been an active participant in the Digivisio 2030 project that involves the entire Finnish higher education sector. The project’s main focus is on building the online learning platform, where higher education institutions can make their continuous learning products available to all learners. The platform also enables the provision of more comprehensive modules produced jointly by higher education institutions. The service will also include an AI-based guidance service to support learners, which can utilise not only each learner’s own wishes but also the educational history data stored in national systems. The service will be launched in 2025. will not support any educational offerings that are implemented as business operations, which only emphasises the importance of Laurea maintaining its own online store.

Laurea concluded a collaboration agreement with the City of Hyvinkää in 2023, and according to this agreement, the facilities of Laurea’s Hyvinkää campus will be relocated to a multi-purpose hall that will be built in heart of Hyvinkää in the future. The aim is create a campus area that is highly accessible, space efficient, and serves Laurea's operations in the best possible way. When the project is realised, Laurea has agreed to a 20-year lease, so it is also important to ensure that the facilities are as adaptable as possible. Students and staff have had the opportunity to participate in the planning of the future campus area, and this planning process will continue as the project progresses.

Reliable and up-to-date information and its systematic utilisation play an important role in the management and effective steering of a modern higher education institution and its operations. For this reason, Laurea has invested in the goal-oriented development of its information production process, to ensure its effectiveness and the continuous improvement of its quality and impact.

  • We invest in functional and easily accessible facilities
  • We help learners find the right educational offerings
  • We produce success with information



State funding 48.87 €M (76.1%)

Return from grants 11.18 €M (17.4%)

Business operations 3.29 €M (5.1%)

Other income 0.87 €M (1.4%)


Personnel expenses 48.14 €M (73.8%)

Expenditure on premises 6.33 €M (9.7%)

Other expenses 9.82 €M (15.0%)

Depreciations 0.96 €M (1.5%)


Operating result -1.04 €M

Fundraising, income and expenses from investments and financing, total 4.49 €M (This item contains unrealised changes in value.)


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