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The HERE Ukraine! project – higher education studies for Ukrainians

The 3AMK project HERE Ukraine! develops a wide range of education in different fields for Ukrainians. The first study units created in the project will begin in January 2023.

Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (3AMK) are developing free online studies for Ukrainians in Finland in the HERE Ukraine! project that was launched in early September.

One of the goals of the project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture is to develop the provision of education for persons granted temporary protection in Finland and to promote the progression of their higher education studies.

The three universities of applied sciences have taken into consideration the perspective of Ukrainian reconstruction in the planning of the project’s multidisciplinary training package.

“Developing competence and strengthening the belief in the future are integral to our project,” says Annukka Jussila, Project Manager of the HERE Ukraine! project at Laurea.

The purpose of developing the education for Ukrainians is also to strengthen English-language education in different fields at the 3AMK higher education institutions and to develop learning suitable for online and self-study. At the end of the project, the study units developed in it will remain part of the offering of the 3AMK.

Tailored training offering for re­con­struc­tion

The project offers a total of 13 study units in different fields, all of which support the competences needed in social, mental and physical reconstruction. 

“It was already clear during the brainstorming and planning phase of the project that all participants felt that developing a multidisciplinary study offering related to reconstruction was important and topical,” Jussila says.

The universities of applied sciences have gathered studies in Real Estate and Construction, Nursing, Social Services, Physiotherapy, and tourism and events. The entity includes, for example, study units on renovation and reconstruction, rehabilitation, psychosocial and physical wellbeing, family work, mental health and crisis nursing, and design service systems.

Jussila says that although the study units are from different fields, the participants work closely together to ensure that the same matters are taken into consideration in all implementations, for example in terms of translations or guidance.

The language of instruction is English, but terms and online content will also be translated into Ukrainian. Digitalisation, the viewpoint of the green transition and the opportunities for entrepreneurship in employment are considered in all education and training.

A chance to start or continue studies in Finland

Eight of the offered study units are bachelor's level and five are master’s level. Offered units can be included in a Finnish or Ukrainian higher education degree, which enables the progress of studies that have been interrupted or postponed due to the war during the student's stay in Finland.

One of the objectives of the project is for Ukrainians who wish to continue or start their higher education studies to find suitable alternatives in this offering. However, there are also study units that are suitable for other than higher education students, and not all of them require previous studies: 

“We want to offer as many people as possible an opportunity to participate in studies in a field that they find important.  The student can also select offered studies according to their interests and to the extent they want,” Jussila explains.

If necessary, the student participating in education may receive personal guidance for selecting their study units, considering their previous educational background, work experience and possible wishes regarding the education. 

Jussila mentions that in other respects, special attention has also been paid to student guidance in the project: the knowledge and support needed by students is easily available in one place. Guidance is also available in Ukrainian. 

The first study units start in January

All education in the HERE Ukraine! project will be implemented during 2023 as 3AMK online studies. The first study units will start in January and the registration will open soon. There will be opportunities to start studying throughout the spring.

Marketing the studies is about to begin. Here Ukraine! participated in the Rekrytori Ukraine Aid Finland event at the end of October to discuss the education to be launched and present itself to potential future students. Additionally, students are sought through aid organisations operating in Finland and, for example, by marketing on social media.

All studies, registration links and an up-to-date schedule for the HERE Ukraine! project can be found on the project's website.



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