Gradutation ceremony: students awarded for promoting communality
Today, Laurea celebrates those who graduated in 2021.
Today, Laurea celebrates those who graduated in 2021. Unfortunately, the graduates could not come together to celebrate. Instead, the ceremony is broadcasted from Kulttuuritalo. It was possible to watch the event online, and you can view the recording of the graduation ceremony here. This year, about 1700 students graduated from Laurea.
Students who were particularly distinguished were given awards in the graduation ceremony. The President's scholarships were awarded to one bachelor’s degree student and one master's degree student, and the best theses were awarded in all Laurea’s fields of study.
President's scholarships for promoters of the student community
This year, Laurean Opettajat ry’s criteria for the President's scholarships emphasised the importance of the sense of community in exceptional times. The scholarships were granted to Johanna Kurki and Otso Jukarainen, who have encouraged other members of the student community with their own actions during the remote studies in 2021.
Johanna Kurki, who graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, has been an encouraging example for others – students and lecturers alike – of proactive, hard-working, cooperative and productive way of working during her entire degree. With her example, she has created a positive and innovative atmosphere in which everyone has been able to express their thoughts and abilities. Johanna has always been bravely involved in the most diverse challenges and inspiredall the parties involved in doing things together and coping.
Otso Jukarainen, who graduated with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, started his studies in the autumn of 2020 when coronavirus was very relevant. He was an active conversationalist and listener in contact teaching days both on the campus and online, right from the start. During his remote studies, he participated actively in discussions and work on online platforms, raising the group spirit and providing encouraging feedback. At the end of his studies, Otso expressed his willingness to act as an active alumnus. After graduation he has already shared his experiences of his studies, encouraging new students in the beginning of their studies during the orientation day of autumn 2021. In addition to his excellent performance, his enthusiasm for learning shared his joy of learning with both the student group and the teacher
The best theses were given awards
At the graduation ceremony, scholarships were also distributed to Laurea's best theses in all fields of study. The following theses and their authors were recognised:
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Nurse: Ensiavun opetustuokio lukiolaisille, awardees: Nina Linho, Anna Helakorpi and Paula Teivonen.
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Physiotherapy: Patella-, hamstring- ja akillestendinopatian kuntoutus jalkapalloilijoilla: Kuntoutusopas Helsingin Jalkapalloklubille, awardees: Iina Pellinen and Riikka Hakanen.
- Degree Programme in Business Management: Robotti digityön pomona - Tekoäly ja robotiikka johtamisen apuna finanssialan työn murroksessa, awardees: Annamaija Anttila and Piia Rantanen.
- Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics: Vaikuttajamarkkinoinnin tuloksellisuuden analysointi, awardees: Oona Päivärinne and Rosa Tuunanen.
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology: Työntekijäkokemuksen tutkiminen sekä kehittäminen palvelumuotoilun keinoin, awardee: Noora Pulkka.
- Degree Programme in Correctional Services: Vanginvartijan toimintatavat vangin silmin, awardees: Sara Haapala and Harri Immonen.
- Degree Programme in Social Services: Perheet yhdessä pihalle! - Varhaiskasvatuksen perheohjaus tukemassa huoltajien osallisuutta ja vertaisuutta, awardees: Annemari Parta and Anu Suni.
- Degree Programme in Safety, Security and Risk Management: Rakenteellinen epätasa-arvo päätöksenteossa ja siitä aiheutuvat riskit organisaatiolle, awardee: Linda Räihä.
- Degree Programme in Hospitality Management: Ammatillisen iltaopettajan työtehtävien ja -ajan käytön kehittäminen ammatillisessa oppilaitoksessa. Case Stadin ammatti- ja aikuisopisto, leipomoala, awardee: Kari Jaronen.
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Public Health Nurse: ”Mikä ihmeen HPV?” – video 5.-luokkalaisille pojille, awardees: Viola Leppänen and Fanny Putkisto.
- Master’s Degrees: Using service design tools to facilitate communities of practice in software development organizations, awardee: Ronan Mac Laverty.
You can view the theses in the Theseus service.
Congratulations to scholarship recipients and all this year’s graduates!