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Digital Living Lab

Laurea Digital Living Lab is project-based learning environment utilizing new ”Industry 4.0” -technologies.

Digital Living Lab physical space in Laurea Leppävaara-campus, room 009.

Currently our technologies capabilities cover robotics, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D-modeling and -printing, drones, Internet of Things (IOT) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Also digital marketing, sales and ecommerce – projects are common in Digital Living Lab.

The students work in real-life development projects together with companies and Laurea’s key partners. Also, RDI-work is done to experiment new technologies and to develop capability for future customer projects.

As pedagogical model we apply LearningByDeveloping (LbD) -model. Typically the students work in multi-disciplinary teams. We have collaboration with other universities in Finland and abroad. We support also students’ own employers’ projects and student entrepreneurship.

Laurea Digital Living Lab affiliated with the Z-Inspection® Initiative in March 2024. Z-Inspection® is a process used to evaluate the trustworthiness of AI-based technologies at different stages of the AI lifecycle. Read more. 

(Above) Different content types are experimented on virtual reality.

The students can create and edit content in the lab and in customer premises, e.g. images, videos, 360-image/-video, drones, audio production, video editing.

(Above) Augmented Reality -demo (Virtuali-Tee), where students can learn anatomy in 3D and real-size.

(Above) Background and lights for photo and video shooting and humanoid robot “Pepper”.

More information and material here

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