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Palvelujen ke­hit­tämi­nen teknolo­gian, palvelu­muo­toilun ja yhteiske­hit­tämisen avulla 30 op

Service Design and Co-Creation in Customer-Centered Business 30 cr was a continuing education training carried out by Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Jamk University of Applied Sciences and funded by The Ministry of Education and Culture. Carried out online, the training provided students with tools for improving productivity and developing business. The training helped to comprehend the various technological operational environments and to utilize them in developing customer-oriented business. The training provided students with skills that are needed in the modern, dynamic business world.

  • Implementation date6/12/2020 - 12/31/2022
  • FunderOKM Erityisavustus
  • Research programmeService Business and Circular Economy
  • Project typeMuu / Other project
  • ThemesDigitalisation and information management in society, Pedagogy and cocreation
  • Project managerJenni Viljanen