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Lempeä hoiva - Hyv­in­voin­tia hoivako­tien henkilökun­nalle ja asukkaille

Care work needs operating models that enable employees to participate in the development of their own work and strengthen the competence and implementation of drug-free and creative methods in everyday care work. The Lempeä hoiva (Gentle care) project will create a model for the introduction of drug-free methods in care units, with the participation of superiors and care workers, and using service design. Cultural and leisure actors will be involved in the development of the model, using creative and artistic methods to spar coaching sessions, workshops and action experiments in care units. The model for the introduction of non-pharmacological methods enables the use of these methods to be identified, developed and introduced into the daily life of the care home as easily as possible and with the minimum of time. The implementation model developed can be used in the future for the implementation of other practices in the care unit or in other care units. In the long term, a model that increases knowledge, participation and new practices can contribute to the attractiveness and retention of the sector. The project will be implemented from September 2023 to June 2025 by Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences with AKKE funding from the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council. The project involves the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava, Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County and the Betesda Foundation.

  • Implementation date9/1/2023 - 6/30/2025
  • FunderUkke- / Akke-rahoitus
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeKansallinen TK
  • ThemesPedagogy and cocreation, Ethical competence and foresight competence
  • Project managerAnniina Honkonen