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Privacy statement for In­ter­na­tional separate ap­pli­ca­tion

Data controller

Laurea University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Ratatie 22, 01300 Vantaa, Finland

  • Controller’s contact person: President, Managing Director Jouni Koski, jouni.koski(at)
  • Person in charge of the register: Specialist Hanna Oksman, hanna.oksman(at)  
  • Contact details of the data protection officer: Marjo Valjakka, marjo.valjakka(at)

Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data

The purpose of the processing of personal data is to organize entrance examination for applicants applying to Laurea’s international separate application programmes and performing administration tasks needed in admission process. 

Personal data categories to be processed

Laurea University of Applied Sciences only processes data that are necessary with respect to performing administration task.

These data include:
1. Applicant information

  • first names, name normally used, last name, 
  • Passport /personal identification number
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • contact details (street address, postal code, city/town, email address, telephone number)
  • native language and language of communication
  • nationality
  • education used in applying to Laurea UAS
  • language test results
  • information related to the degree programme
  • enrolment and payment information
  • place of residence, place of domicile
  • language of school education
  • Attendance information

Retention time for the applicant information is 5 years.

For purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data during the studies, please see Privacy statement for students.

What are the grounds for the retention time?

The retention periods are determined in accordance with the requirements of law, the decisions of the National Archives of Finland and the filing plan of Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

The following data are permanently retained in the information systems of Laurea University of Applied Sciences:

  • admission criteria
  • document data related to the student admission amendment process
  • study entitlement, registration
  • attendance and absence data
  • data related to the evaluation amendment process

The following data are retained for a specified period

  • students’ entrance examination results, entrance examination answering papers
  • student welfare documents (documents for special arrangements in the entrance examination and SORA-documents)

The following data are permanently retained in the registers and national data repositories maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education:

  • separate application process data, data on related additional and extra application processes and direct application process data
  • study entitlement, registration, graduation and performance data to be transferred to the VIRTA study data repository.

What are the sources of in­for­ma­tion?

Laurea University of Applied Sciences receives student information from the following sources:

  • the My Studyinfo national application register maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education
  • the OILI attendance registration register maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education
  • the information provided on application forms by applicants participating in application processes outside of My Studyinfo

Please see more Privacy statement for students.

Statutory disclosure and transfer of data

The disclosure of data takes place through electronic data transfer connections, on individual printed documents and email lists. 

Please see more Privacy statement for students.

Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

Applicant’s data can be transferred outside EU or the European Economic Area. Data can be transferred only for marketing agencies that have made agreement with Laurea UAS and have a right to represent Laurea. The purpose of the data transfer can be A) entrance examination arrangement B) Agency helping accepted applicants with their residence permit application and travel arrangement (with applicants’ consent). 

Data that can be transferred outside EU or the European Economic Area:

  • Name of the applicant, 
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details (email address, telephone number)

How do we protect the in­for­ma­tion?

When processing data in the register, particular attention is paid to not endangering students’ privacy without good reason.

A restricted number of people have access to the electronically handled data with personal usernames and passwords. The rights of usage are allocated task specifically. Right to handle application information of other people than the user personally is cancelled upon information of change in responsibilities. 

Documents for students, related to International separate application, are produced from the system. The users are responsible for archiving the documents. Documents containing personal information are disposed of by shredding or as ’data protection waste’. 

What are your data subject rights?

New students are informed in writing at the beginning of the term when they register that their name and contact information details and details connected to their studies are stored in the student and study database. They can then authorise the provision of the data for direct marketing, educational marketing and internet use through the student user interface.

Applicants can check the applicant information about her/himself by contacting the person in charge of the register.

If you intend to make a request to access your personal data, you should do it either in person or in writing. If you do it in writing, the document must be signed or otherwise reliably verified. You should direct your request to the education.export(at)

The person who is in charge of register-related matters will decide whether to grant you the requested access. 

Your identity will be checked before granting access to your personal data. Official identification card with a photograph can verify your identity. A request sent from Laurea’s email system can be considered adequate proof of identification. 
Your right of access should be provided without delay

You have the right to access your personal data

Please see more Privacy statement for students.

You have the right to erasure of personal data

Your right to the erasure of your personal data, as stated in Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation does not apply to personal data processed in compliance with a legal obligation.  

You have the right to erase personal data based on consent. 

You have the right to re­stric­tion of processing

There are certain cases when you have the right to restrict the active processing of your personal data. For instance, this right applies to situations where you argue against the accuracy of your personal data.  

Your personal data may still be stored but not in any way processed if you didn’t give the consent.

You have the right to object to automated individual decision-making

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for purposes such as direct marketing, scientific, historical, or statistical research.  
If you use your right to object, Laurea as the controller may no longer process your personal data for the purpose in question. 

Your right to object does not apply to statutory data processing. 

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based only on automated processing, including profiling. Profiling produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you. However, it does not apply if the decision is based on your explicit consent. Or it is necessary for entering into a contract between you and a data controller.  

If you have questions about your rights as a data subject, you may contact the data protection officer. 

You have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority.