Safe Laurea

Security work
Security work at Laurea involves anticipation of hazards, and is implemented in good cooperation with all members of our university community. At Laurea the foundation of security work comprises recognition of dangers, risk analysis and risk management, in which security risks that affect all of our activities are regularly assessed, discussed, and monitored.
Proactive security work following the example of management
At Laurea quality, security, and productivity are interlinked. This means that we have made efforts to enact persevering, risk-based security work which is reflected in all of our activities, and applies to each member of our academic community. Proactive security work is at the centre of all of our activities. This requires a genuine desire and ability by management to see security as a part of everyday activities - this is especially conspicuous in the enthusiasm and commitment of Laurea’s management to the continuous development of security.
President and Security Manager work together as torchbearers of security work
With a well-organised security management the entire organisation at Laurea at all of its levels has been made to understand the importance of proactive security work, and in this way personnel has been inspired by the shared efforts on behalf of security. The President is responsible for the security activities of the entire university community, working in collaboration with the Safety and Security Manager in guidance and development tasks linked with security management. The Safety and Security Manager is responsible for the activities of the Security Services of Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Everyday security work is guided and implemented by the campus security officers in collaboration with personnel, students, and stakeholders. Also working in proactive and development tasks of the security activities is a security development group specifically appointed for this task.
Everyone is responsible
At Laurea each member of our university community is responsible for the safe execution of his or her work and assignments. Supervisors are also responsible for keeping the study and work environment safe in all conditions. It is the responsibility of each person to report any deviations from security.
We at Laurea believe that in a secure environment personnel can calmly concentrate on their own work. Studies have shown that Laurea is a working community that has been found to be safe. We hope that we set a good example as an institution of higher education with a focus on the right to a secure and pleasant study and working environment.
Safety and security publications
Safe Schools Through Safety Walks, e-kirja
The Safe Schools through Safety Walks guide focuses on safety training for schools and higher education institutions using safety walks. It is intended for anyone interested in improving the safety of schools and higher education institutions. Safety is not truly under control until the entire school community practices it together by planning, training and taking action in a true emergency.
Ranta T., Martikainen S., (2017). Safe Schools through Safety Walks., Laurea Julkaisut 84., Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu.
Sheltering indoors in Educational Institutions, e-kirja
Finnish schools have been practicing sheltering indoors for a few years now. The exercise scenario used has often been an external threat of violence targeted against the school. We have heard of shelter-in-place exercises, where primary school children have been escaping from the reach of a ‘man with a knife’ into the school premises. Schools also practice sheltering in case of shootings. These exercises have been performed with the best of intentions. However, the threat of external violence is hardly among the most likely threats in a school environment, even though we know that Finnish schools have been under the threat of extreme violence. Therefore, we recommend that schools arrange exercises that promote safety from a risk-based point of view, which would give the exercises totally different starting points. We encourage the school staff to estimate which external threats could adversely affect the educational institution community in a situation where the school staff was unable to take the correct action. Our goal is that schools would primarily focus on practicing for the kind of events that could occur during a school day.
All kinds of safety exercises are of course justified, but considering the likelihood of different scenarios, schools could reflect what kind of hazards they primarily practice for.
Ranta T., Martikainen S., (2018). Sheltering Indoors in Educational Institutions., Laurea Julkaisut 92. Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu.
A Safe Event - Guidelines for Event Organisers at Schools and Higher Education Institutions, e-kirja
The purpose of this guide is to help persons involved in the arrangement of events in educational organisations plan a safe event with proactive safety and security management (SSM) as their starting point. In this context, event refers to a public or private meeting, such as a party, seminar, meeting, conference, concert, exhibition, promotional event, amusement, contest or performance (Assembly Act 530/1999). The event differs from normal teaching and guidance activities practiced by the educational organisation in terms of, for example, participants, time of day, space arrangements, catering or performers.
In a large share of Finnish educational organisations, a prosafety and security atmosphere supporting the development of safety and security is beginning to emerge: schools want to do systematic work to enable creation of a safe education and working environment. It is good to consider the security work conducted by educational organisations as an entity visible in everything that the organisation does.
by the educational organisation in terms of, for example, participants, time of day, space arrangements, catering or performers.
In a large share of Finnish educational organisations, a prosafety and security atmosphere supporting the development of safety and security is beginning to emerge: schools want to do systematic work to enable creation of a safe education and working environment. It is good to consider the security work conducted by educational organisations as an entity visible in everything that the organisation does.
Ranta T. & Martikainen S. (2018). A Safe Event - Guidelines for Event Organisers at Schools and Higher Education Institutions. Laurea Julkaisut 91. Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu.