3AMK is a strategic alliance of three Universities of applied Sciences in Helsinki Metropolian area - Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia.

3AMK is a strategic alliance formed by three Helsinki Metropolitan area Universities of Applied Sciences: Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia.
The purpose of the alliance is to benefit from the strengths of three Universities of Applied Sciences and gain added value from the cooperation. The aim is to offer know-how and competence for changing working life and offer high-quality education to the international market.
3AMK-cooperation means new experiments and lowering the administrative structures. 3AMK also arranges events and education for both students and staff.
3AMK has fife collaboration areas: Learning Excellence, Entrepreneurship and innovations, Research and Development Excellence, Research and development campus of vocational pedagogy and EduExcellence – Export of education. In addition Artificial Intelligence utilization serves as a shared development area in the alliance that helps to utilize artificial intelligence in a new way. Joint library services are available to the staff and students of all three Universities of Applied Sciences.
3AMK study offering are composed with a goal of filling the needs of the work life of tomorrow as well as creating more flexible and versatile solutions for students. The offering is categorized by ten themes and includes various joint 3AMK courses which are organized together with Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia and chosen theme-related courses from each 3AMK universities’ study offerings. Students can also cross-study an extensive selection of language studies. Read more about 3AMK study offering
More information:
- Antti Vettenranta
- Director
- Antti.Vettenranta@laurea.fi
- Tel (09) 8868 7246