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Bachelor's Degree in Business Management

Next application period in Business Management in co-operation with Global Education & Immigration Services, GEIS (India) is during 10.-21.3.2025.

March 2025 application period

Next application period for this programme is during 10.-21.3.2025 (application period ends 15:00 Finnish time). Application is organized in co-operation with Global Education & Immigration Services, GEIS (India). Link to more information and application form. Note that application form is open only during the application period. 

Entrance exams will be in Chandigarh, India during 9th to 13th of April 2025. No online exams. Laurea UAS have right to cancel or postpone the entrance exam if there are not enought eligible applicants. 

Starting from 1 January 2025, the applicants applying to English-taught degree programmes from outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland are required to pay an application fee of 100 euros to apply to Bachelor's or Master's level studies in Finland.

Read more about application fee in

December 2024 ap­pli­ca­tion period in co-operation with UNIGO Education Experts Pvt. Ltd. (Nepal)

We have released final results for January 2025 entrance examinations. Applicants may check their results in My Studyinfo. We have also sent Acceptance letters by email to all accepted applicants.

Thank you for applying and congratulations to all accepted applicants!

See checklist for new students   

The content of the degree programme

The Degree Programme in Business Management offers a broad education, focusing on the core skills needed in the workplace. Depending on your future employment plans and your own interests, you have different study options to choose from.

The degree programme is designed to include core competence studies, which are obligatory for all students, as well as complementary studies. Complementary studies are electives that let you choose what to focus on in greater detail.

Basic in­for­ma­tion

Degree programme: Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management

Degree title: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Duration of studies: 3,5 years (210 ECTS)

Core competence​

Business Operations​
Business Development​
Sustainability and Business Analysis ​
Expert in a Work Community (work placements)
Expert in Development and workplace innovation (including the Thesis)

Com­ple­men­tary competence

During the complementary competence studies, you can specialize and develop your skills in specific areas. Two main study paths are recommended for complementary studies:​

Corporate Financial Management​ and Digital Marketing​

We also offer studies in a range of other subjects, including international trade, entrepreneurship and human resources management. Students can also choose studies from Laurea’s other bachelor’s degree programmes, such as Business Information Technology.

What are the studies like?

At Laurea, business students can choose from several study paths, such as digital marketing and sales, management accounting or entrepreneurship. Your IT skills will develop during your studies and you will learn to use several business software packages. Service business skills, including service design thinking and tools, are also included in your studies.

Laurea follows the Learning by Developing (LbD) model in its activities. This can take the form of, for example, a real business development project, involving a group of students. During the project, students improve their interaction, scheduling, performance and reporting skills as well as other skills needed in the workplace. These projects have received a great deal of positive feedback from employers.

Companies and organisations are invited to develop the degree programme. They describe the skills and knowledge they find to be important at the time, and these are taken into account in degree programme development. This helps companies ensure that the students are suitable for employment straight after graduation.

El­i­gi­bil­ity re­quire­ments for separate ap­pli­ca­tion bachelor's degree

An applicant should have completed one of the following degrees: 
•    the syllabus of the Finnish upper secondary school or a matriculation examination 
•    an International Baccalaureate (IB) degree 
•    a European Baccalaureate (EB) degree 
•    Bachelor degree in all countries 
•    Master degree in all countries 
•    a Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) degree 
•    a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification with a scope of 120 credits or 180 competence points or an equivalent prior Finnish vocational qualification with a scope of a minimum of 80 credits 
•    a Finnish post-secondary level degree or a vocational tertiary level degree 
•    a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification or specialist vocational qualification or an equivalent prior qualification completed in the form of a competence demonstration 
•    a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, postgraduate licentiate and doctoral degrees. 
•    foreign education that in the country in question provides eligibility to apply to studies in higher education institutions. 

If the language of the degree certificate is not Finnish, Swedish, or English, the applicant must also submit a copy of a translation of the degree certificate, prepared by an official translator. The translation should carry the translator’s name and stamp. 

Laurea University of Applied Sciences verifies the applicants’ eligibility to apply before student admission to the degree awarding program. Admission is conditional until the original eligibility providing degree certificates used in the application have been verified. 

Language certificate requirements

The applicants are also required to have a B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) proficiency of English language before they are admitted to the degree program.  

The applicants must prove their English language skills by an internationally recognized language test: 

•    IELTS Academic*: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) 
•    TOEFL Academic (iBT)*: a minimum total score of 60 (Test sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) 
•    PTE Academic*: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening) 
•    Cambridge English Scale Score: a minimum total score of 169 (Test sections: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) 
   * IELTS Academic UKVI, IELTS Online, PTE Academic Online and TOEFL iBT Home Edition are also accepted. 

There are no expiration dates, but the language test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organizer. If the test scores can no longer be verified, the test is not valid. The applicant must make sure that the test results are not too old. 

The applicants can prove their English language skills (level B2) also with one the following degree certificates:

  • Higher education degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the United States, or a doctoral thesis completed in English in any country
  • Upper secondary degree completed in English in an EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, or the United States

Student admission  

The entrance examination focuses on the applicant’s aptitude to the mathematical-logical reasoning, study readiness and English language skills and the aptitude for the field of study and general study readiness.  

Content of the entrance examinations vary: 
•    Aptitude to the sector
•    Mathematical-logical reasoning  
•    Mathematic skills 
•    Learning and working skills 
•    English language skills, including oral and written language skills. 

Each section of the entrance examinations must be passed at an approved level. 
Student admission is based on the entrance examination, English language skills requirements, and the eligibility of applicants provided by law. The applicant must pass all parts of the entrance examinations.  

See more about tuition fees in Laurea UAS

For more information, please contact by e-mail at