Studying in Open UAS
- Open UAS studies are open to anyone interested in studying without any previous education or age requirements.
- Study offering includes free and paid studies from almost all of Laurea degree programmes
- Studies are available in spring, summer, and autumn. Additionally, there are studies open all year round
- Enrolment for studies takes place via Laurea Smart online store (excluding path studies)
- Paid studies are charged based on credit. The cost for one credit is 15 euros.
- Studies are free for target time graduates of Laurea for the next four full semesters after graduation.
- Laurea's degree students cannot enrol for Laurea Open UAS studies.
Open UAS study offering
In Laurea Open UAS, you can study higher education courses and course packages. Additionally, you can aim towards degree studies through path studies.
Individual courses are both paid and free at the bachelor’s and master’s level. Courses range from 1 to 10 credit points. Courses are available in almost all of our degree programs.
Free online courses are studied independently and at own pace at online learning platform. Enrolment time is flexible and you can start sudying when you want. Courses range from 1 to 5 credits.
Working life oriented modules are more extensive course packages that provide an opportunity to develop specific work-related skills. Course packeges range from 10 to 60 credits.
Path studies are a 30-or 60-credit entity, after which you can apply to become a degree student trough separate application.
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Explore Open UAS Study Offering
You can view the Open UAS study offering from the new Laurea Smart online store.
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