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Ground rules for working online at Laurea

Below you can find information on online studies and related practices. The aim is for you to know what to do when studying online and to know the principles of working online at Laurea.

Starting studies 

Tools used in online studies

As a higher education student, we assume that you have the tools needed for online studies (computer, with a built-in or separate camera) and a functional internet connection. Headsets with a microphone are also recommended.

You can also use your mobile phone in certain situations, but please keep in mind that full scale work is best done on your computer. Make sure the necessary applications are installed on your mobile phone.

Logging into Laurea's systems from your own devices

  • The student username is either a combination of letters + number based on your name OR your student number (in case you have previous studies at Laurea). You will find your username at portal right after your name.
  • When you sign in to Microsoft Office 365 services (Laurea email, Teams, etc.), your username is in the format

On Laurea's campuses, you can connect your own devices to the Internet wirelessly. Keep your device secure by updating your computer regularly, using antivirus software and a firewall.

As a Laurea student, you may download the Office suite to your device from O365. You can search for information and support on media, applications, security, user ID, etc. on the student Intranet. 

Ground rules for working online at Laurea

  • Starting studies 

    Tools used in online studies

    As a higher education student, we assume that you have the tools needed for online studies (computer, with a built-in or separate camera) and a functional internet connection. Headsets with a microphone are also recommended.

    You can also use your mobile phone in certain situations, but please keep in mind that full scale work is best done on your computer. Make sure the necessary applications are installed on your mobile phone.

    Logging into Laurea's systems from your own devices

    • The student username is either a combination of letters + number based on your name OR your student number (in case you have previous studies at Laurea). You will find your username at portal right after your name.
    • When you sign in to Microsoft Office 365 services (Laurea email, Teams, etc.), your username is in the format

    On Laurea's campuses, you can connect your own devices to the Internet wirelessly. Keep your device secure by updating your computer regularly, using antivirus software and a firewall.

    As a Laurea student, you may download the Office suite to your device from O365. You can search for information and support on media, applications, security, user ID, etc. on the student Intranet. 

  • Confirming a place in a study unit 

    To confirm your place in the study unit, you must be present at the first contact or online meeting of the study course or, for example, return an advance assignment. In other cases, contact the teacher.

    Progress in online studies

    Some courses allow you to complete assignments at your own pace. Please note, however, that you are able to keep up with your group and make it possible for your team to proceed smoothly in group work. The teacher can also define the order and schedule of study progress.

  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion practices 

    Prepare for online meetings well in advance

    • Prepare for an online meeting as instructed by the teacher.
    • Book a quiet space and headset.
    • Join the online meeting well in advance. This way you can check that the sound works and you will be able to share the presentation if it is your turn to make a presentation.
    • Join the session with your own name (first name + last name). Please add a photo of yourself to your profile.
    • If you have to leave during an interactive situation, please inform your team and teacher.
    • Because the content of the presentations is owned by authors, as a participant, you may not record the presentations yourself without permission.
    • You are only permitted to use screen capture images for your own use.
    • You can also organise online meetings with your own team. For example, use Teams, Zoom or Google Hangouts.

    Active par­tic­i­pa­tion in online meetings promotes your learning

    • At the beginning of each course of study, the interaction practices are agreed upon.
    • Before you meet online, you should familiarise yourself with the course materials and prepare to ask questions and to comment.
    • In Laurea's online meetings, the practice is to keep the video connection on if the network connections allow it. The practices for using the camera are agreed upon in more detail at the beginning of each course. The implementation of the course may include oral presentations and recordings, where the teacher may require that the student’s face be visible through the camera.
    •  You will be more involved if you keep the camera on during a meeting. You can see your classmates and they can see you. You do not necessarily have to point the camera at your face at all times. You can also occasionally turn the camera off and give your eyes a rest. If you don't want to view your own picture, you can use the "Hide-self-view" feature, which is available at least in Zoom. If necessary, you can blur your background or use a background image to prevent your home environment from appearing on the camera.
    • Ask for the floor as agreed at the beginning of the meeting. Don't interrupt others.
    • Make versatile use of the non-verbal feedback and meeting reactions available on the meeting platform (e.g. chat, raise hand, thumb up, yes/no)
    • If the meeting is being recorded and you don't want your picture on the recording, participate by speaking and chatting. Please note that the audio is being recorded on the recording.
  • Doing assigments and taking exams 

    Do the as­sign­ments on time and read the in­struc­tions carefully

    • Make a copy of your submitted assignments
    • Complete assignments by the given deadline
    • Note the progress of your group's studies
    • Note the reference marks according Laurea's instructions. Embedding media clips published elsewhere as part of your own assignment submission is permitted if the service provider has the option of embedding them.

    Read the exam in­struc­tions in advance 

    In most cases, online exams are either remotely monitored sessions or assignments set on a given date and time. 

    Take into account the date and times for completing the exam set by teachers: 

    • Date of the exam
    • Time of the exam (e.g. 9:00am-2:00pm)
    • Time allotted for completing the exam (e.g. 90 minutes)

    If you need more time to finish the exam than others for a justified reason (e.g. dyslexia), you can request it from your teacher.

    Exams can be remotely monitored in Zoom, Teams or using an exam monitoring tool on the Canvas learning platform.

  • Assessment and feedback 

    You will find assignment-specific feedback and grades in the "Grades" section of the learning platform. If you have failed assignments or examinations, you must supplement or retake them in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher.

  • Problem situations 

    Choose the right support channel 

    Questions related to study content, as­sign­ments or learning methods

    Before asking a question, read the instructions. Ask your question in the discussion area. One of the other students may have a similar question or be able to answer your question. 

    Technical questions related to the use of the learning platform

    Click the question mark (Help) on the left side of the learning platform menu to go to the "Student Instructions" page. 

    If you cannot find the information you need, please submit a support request to Service Desk at When contacting the Service Desk, please explain what your problem is or what went wrong as clearly as possible. A screenshot may make it easier to resolve the issue. 

    For personal matters, use the Canvas Inbox.

  • Copyright issues, data security and privacy 

    Take copyrights into account - including yours

    You hold the copyright for your study attainments (e.g. thesis, essays, and exercises) when they exceed the threshold of originality. The threshold of originality is exceeded if the result of your work is sufficiently original that it could not be precisely reproduced by someone else.  Information, ideas, theories and scientific results are not, in and of themselves, copyright protected, but the form in which they are presented is. Use of the material in question outside of studies requires your permission. Under an agreement, the student, educational institution or client may transfer all or part of the copyright, or the student may grant the educational institution the right to use the work. 

    When you use materials made by others (images, text, videos) in all this work (online and elsewhere), you must honor the copyright and cite references in accordance with the school's instructions. 

    Plagiarism detection

    Plagiarism is the violation of a copyright. Laurea uses Turnitin plagiarism detector. 

    Be data secure online

    The most commonly used online meeting platforms at Laurea are Zoom and Teams. The teacher will admit you to an online meeting from the Waiting Room.  This prevents external people from accessing the meeting room. You have a duty to ensure data security by complying with applicable legislation and Laurea's data security rules.

    Please note the following:

    • In a remotely supervised online exam, you are required to keep your video camera on at all times.
    • In some situations, you will be required to verify your identity and may be asked to show an ID card (e.g. obligatory Swedish course).
    • If you want to record a session, you must request permission from the person making a presentation. The recording may only be distributed to those concerned and as agreed. You can use screen capture images only for your own use.


  • Using artificial in­tel­li­gence 

    As a rule, you are allowed to use artificial intelligence (AI) and language models in your studies. Teachers will give you instructions on how to use AI, and you should follow these instructions. 

    You are always responsible for the contents of the texts you submit. Various AI applications are capable of generating texts that may appear professional, but still contain factual errors. Language models do not process information, their functioning is based on manipulating word. You should never use AI to produce final assignments or thesis texts, nor should such AI-generated texts or images be presented as your own work. Cases of academic fraud will be dealt with in accordance with Laurea's degree regulations. Always acknowledge the source, even if the text is generated with the help of AI. 

    Citation guidelines in the util­i­sa­tion of AI

    If you use AI in assignments or in your thesis, you should state which AI you used and how you used it. Be specific in stating how you have utilised AI (for example whether you used it for reading data sources or analysing data etc.).

     If you use AI to modify the grammar of your text or to streamline the text, you should mention this in the introduction to the text. You need to reference any material you use in your assignments and thesis report. For more specific instructions on referencing please check Laurea's Guidelines for Referencing.

    AI-based language models can be used when proofreading texts. Using AI for editing and refining texts is justified when the goal is to create grammatically correct or structurally fluent texts. AI can also be used for formatting existing texts or generating ideas for texts that will be written by the student.

    Avoid making unsupported claims. AI can provide information that has not been verified, so you should make sure that the information provided by AI is reliable and can be justified by referring to expert sources.

    It is worth learning to use the AI tools provided by Laurea. However, keep in mind that is important to prioritize your privacy. Using AI may require sharing personal information, such as your name or your email address. Only provide information you are willing to share. Pay attention to privacy and data protection as well as the terms of use for AI services. Review the service's privacy statement and terms of use before using the service. Do not handle confidential information in these services.

    Use AI ethically. AI should not be used in an offensive manner or in a way that violates laws, rules or regulations. 

    The use of recording AIs during virtual teaching events, meetings, and other gatherings is generally prohibited (so-called meeting bots). However, a participant can negotiate with the meeting organizer and participants well in advance of the event about the use of recording AI. The handling of meeting materials and recordings is subject to Laurea's normal data protection practices, meaning they can be handled with AI and other applications defined as secure (e.g., Microsoft product family and Zoom).

    Misuse of AI will be treated similarly to other forms of academic fraud. If a teacher suspects fraudulent use of AI (an achievement can be deemed fraudulent if it is sufficiently likely to be AI-generated or if AI use has not been disclosed or referenced correctly), they can arrange an alternative way for the student to demonstrate competence, where AI cannot be used. If the student refuses alternative competence verification, Laurea's examination regulations for misconduct will be followed.

    In cases of academic fraud, Section 29 of Laurea’s degree regulations, “Cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate behaviour” is applied. If you cheat by using AI, your performance will be rejected. Any teacher detecting violations related to the use AI will report them to the course instructor and the head of the higher education unit. Academic fraud will result in performance rejection and the loss of the opportunity to retake the examination. Copying AI-generated materials into personal submissions is prohibited and will result in rejection of the study performance. A performance may be found dishonest if there is sufficient probability that it was generated by AI, or if the use of AI is not expressed or cited appropriately.

    For more instructions on how to utilise AI, please visit the page Utilisation of artificial intelligence in teaching and studies at Laurea University of Applied Sciences


Background material

Degree regulations

Korpela, J. 2013. Tekijänoikeus.  Vastauksia usein esitettyihin kysymyksiin

Marstio, T. & Laivola, T. 2021. Kameran käyttö lisää aitoutta vuorovaikutukseen.

Marstio, T., Mänty, I. & Tiirikainen, P. 2020. Verkkotapaamisten potentiaali korostuu nyt – vinkkejä onnistuneeseen kohtaamiseen verkossa

Toikkanen, T. & Oksanen, V. 2011. Opettajan tekijänoikeusopas. Helsinki: Finn Lectura

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