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Frequently asked questions about applying to Laurea

Laurea Admission Services are here to help with any questions regarding application. A compilation of the most frequently asked questions and their answers are found below.

  • How do I apply? 

    The application process for degree programmes in English in a nutshell

    1. Fill in the online application form ( during the application period
    2. Submit required certificates by the deadline given in the application form.
    3. Participate in the entrance exams
    4. Wait for the results of student admission
    5. Accept the offered study place by the deadline given.
    6. Begin studies
  • Is there an ap­pli­ca­tion fee required? 

    Application fees have been introduced with the changes in the legislation considering application fees for applicants to degree programmes in higher education which entered into force 1 December 2024. Please see Studyinfo(link) for details.

  • Do students need to pay tuition fees for studies? 

    Students who are non EU/EEA/Swiss nationals will be charged tuition fees. The tuition fees for studies starting from 1st Janaury 2025 onwards are EUR 9500 per academic year for bachelor's degree programmes taught in English and 11 000 euros per academic year for Master’s Degree programmes taught in English. Please see the tuition fees page for information about fees and exemptions.

  • Does Laurea offer schol­ar­ships? 

    The size of the scholarship is 15% of the tuition fee. Read more about Laurea scholarships and tuition fees.

  • Can I pay my tuition fee in in­stal­ments? 

    The first year tuition fee must be paid in full by the given deadline for confirming the study place. Students continuing their studies in subsequent years may pay the tuition fee in two installments. Please see Tuition fee website for details.

  • When is the deadline for paying the tuition fees once admitted? 

    Applicants who are required to pay the tuition fee must pay the fee by the given deadline together with the study place confirmation.​ If an applicant is admitted from the waiting list after all the results of student admission have been published, the tuition fee must be paid within 7 days from announcement of results. 

  • Do I need an English language pro­fi­ciency cer­tifi­cate like TOEFL or the IELTS to apply for the degree programmes taught in English? 

    Applicants for the Bachelor degree programmes are required to submit proof of English language skills. The English language skills can be proven with an English proficiency certificate or based on previous studies. Please see website for the list of accepted proof. Applicants who do not provide proof pf English language skills cannot be considered for admission based on the International UAS exam.

  • When do I send my school cer­tifi­cates? 

    Any required educational certificates must be uploaded directly to the application form latest by the deadline mentioned in the application form. Please see the Required Certificates page for details.

  • I applied last year. Do I need to submit my cer­tifi­cates for my ap­pli­ca­tion again? 

    Yes, all required certificates must be uploaded to the application form by the given deadline per application period. An application and submitted certificate attachments are valid only for the application period in question.

  • Does Laurea help in finding suitable ac­com­mo­da­tion? 

    No, Laurea is not responsible for finding accommodation for degree seeking students. Hoas - Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region is the contact for housing in the capital area. Please refer to the  HOAS website for information.

  • Can I do my exam abroad? 

    All of the entrance exams in 2024 are online. Read more about entrance exams.


  • Does your in­sti­tu­tion help in applying for visas or permits? 

    Laurea does not assist in visa and permit applications. Those matters are handled by the immigration officials. Visa and permit applications are a student’s own responsibility. Admitted students are encouraged to apply for a residence permit from their local consular or embassy immediately after receiving notification of admission.

  • Who are the closest persons to help me when I arrive for my studies? 

    The tutor students, tutor teachers, the Student Affairs Office and Head of Student Affairs.

  • When do I have to arrive for my studies? Can I arrive late? 

    First year studies begin annually in August - September (spring application period) and in January (autumn application period) with the orientation which is mandatory for all new students. A formal notification on the expected date of arrival for the new students is included in the pages for New Laurea Students. Students are expected to arrive on the first day of studies and participate in the orientation. Credits for the semester cannot be granted to students who have not started their studies by the deadline given. Always notify the Student Affairs office of any late arrival. 


  • Does an invitation to an entrance exam equate to being admitted? 

    No, an invitation to an entrance exam is not the same as being admitted. It simply means that one has met the eligibility criteria based on the submitted documents and they therefore must take part in the next stage of the selection process which is the ​entrance exam. Applicants must pass the degree programme's entrance examination in order to be considered for admission.

    However, admission to some of the Laurea's Bachelor's Degrees in English is also granted based on the SAT Test Scores. Please read more about student selection criteria.

  • Is there a quota for some applicants of a certain origin, na­tion­al­ity or ethnicity? 

    No, student selection is solely based on who is most successful in the application round's entrance examination or/and in some Bachelor's Degree programmes admission is also granted based on the SAT Test Scores.  Please read more about student selection criteria.

  • Do I need to submit a Finnish language skills cer­tifi­cate when applying for the Nursing Programme and the Social Services Programme? 

    The Laurea Nursing and the Social Services Programmes have a mandatory basic Finnish language requirement (level B1 or higher). 

    In 2024 applicants to Laurea Nursing and Laurea Social Services must provide proof of Finnish language skills on the application form by 24th Jan 2024. Please see Required Certificates page for details. 

  • What is the difference between uni­ver­si­ties of applied sciences and uni­ver­si­ties? 

    The Finnish higher education system is based on a dual model, which allows for both universities (yliopisto in Finnish) and universities of applied sciences (ammattikorkeakoulu in Finnish) to exist. Universities of applied sciences  provide higher professional education, and issue degrees at bachelor’s and master’s level. Universities promote academic research and issue degrees up to PhD level. 

Living in Finland

Welcome to Finland! On this page, we have gathered some important information for Laurea's international students while living and studying in Finland.

Read more about living in Finland


This page contains information about the different accommodation options for students.

Read more about housing in Finland
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