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University priests support students in crises

University priests are part of Laurea’s student well-being team. They provide discussion and crisis support for students and staff.

University priest Panu Mäkelä and Hanna Vuollo

University Priests Panu Mäkelä and Hanna Vuollo are fascinated by people’s stories. Indeed, their task is to offer discussion support to Laurea’s students and personnel. Everyone is welcome to see the chaplains, regardless of their beliefs, nationality or stage of life.

Panu and Hanna are part of Laurea’s student well-being team. The well-being team supports students’ well-being and coping in a multidisciplinary manner. The team includes the university priests, career services, counselling psychologists, a social worker and special needs teachers. In addition to supporting students through discussions, the university chaplains are involved in crisis work, including crises that apply to individuals or the school community as a whole.

- When a student contacts us, we are often dealing with profound themes. Students’ questions may concern crises in their personal lives, sense of meaning and directions of life. We stand alongside students in their everyday lives, Hanna and Panu explain.

Work where you can make an impact

Hanna originally trained as a physical therapist and Panu as a church youth work leader. Their studies support their work as university priests.

- My studies in healthcare help me in my work on Laurea’s campuses. I can quickly catch up on what’s on in a student’s mind, Hanna explains.

The higher education community and an opportunity to influence students’ well-being were what attracted the chaplains to their jobs. The university priests collaborate with Laurea’s students and train new tutors. They are also involved in various workshops that support students in planning their everyday lives.

-Working as a university chaplain is rewarding, as meaningful encounters occur every day in the school community, Panu says.

Societal themes affect students’ lives

Societal topics affect students’ lives and are visible when students come to see the chaplains. Students worry about their financial situations when they are struggling to make ends meet. Students are also under pressure to perform well.

- I’ve been contacted by adult students who are supplementing their studies or have switched to a new field. Studying alongside work and family requires a lot of resources and joining these three may be demanding, Panu explains.

Hanna points out that there is also a lot of concern for international students. The number of international students in educational institutions is increasing. At the same time, the need for integration increases to make sure the students are not excluded from the community. This is also something that must be taken into consideration in the well-being services.

"We can talk about anything, also difficult issues"

Each Laurea campus has a designated university priest. Panu works in Espoo Parish Union. His services are available at the Leppävaara and Otaniemi campuses. Hanna works in the Vantaa parish union, her main location is the Tikkurila campus. The priests also visit other campuses upon request. The university chaplains’ contact details are available on the Intranet, and you can book an appointment by email or phone. You can meet the chaplains in person on the campuses or remotely.

- Students can encounter major life changes during their studies. You can discuss anything, also difficult issues, with us chaplains confidentially, Hanna says.