Four new projects funded by the European Commission to be launched at Laurea
Laurea succeeded well in the funding applications that ended in the spring: funding for four projects at Laurea exceeded EUR 1 million.

Laurea received good news during the summer, when European Commission’s Horizon Europe funding for four new RDI projects in which Laurea participates under the Coherent Security Research Programme was confirmed in July. The funding received through these four projects amounts to slightly more than one million euros for Laurea.
In recent years, Laurea has been successful in obtaining sought-after European RDI funding. This success demonstrates Laurea’s strong competence in applied research and its active role in international networks in the field.
The projects funded in July are largely related to different areas of security. For Laurea, a new important theme is represented by the SecureFood project, which aims to improve food safety and resilience. The MANOLO project, on the other hand, focuses on the development of reliable artificial intelligence. The third project, ExPEDite, is related to virtual simulation, i.e., “digital twin” technology, in energy production and, fourthly, the ATHENA project complements Laurea’s strong competence in combating hybrid threats and disinformation.
The RDI performed in Laurea's Coherent Security Research Programme provides national and international research and innovation solutions that support the implementation of civil security in cooperation with authorities, companies, regions, research actors and organisations.
More information:
- Päivi Mattila
- Tel 358406402253