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EU projects tackle security threats at sea

Laurea's maritime safety related projects are featured in the EU Research and Innovation magazine Horizon.

Maritime safety is currently a hot topic in Europe and especially in the Baltic Sea around Finland. Therefore researchers, national authorities and the EU work together to address maritime challenges like smuggling, illegal fishing and security threats. This theme is also linked to several ongoing Laurea projects such as CONNECTOR and VIGIMARE.

Cooperation on EU projects to address maritime safety challenges was the subject of an article recently published in the European Union's Horizon online journal on research and innovation. Isto Mattila, an expert on maritime safety projects at Laurea, is interviewed in the article.

Read the article: EU enlists researchers’ support to tackle smuggling and security threats at sea

Laurea's ongoing projects such as CONNECTOR and VIGIMARE support EU authorities in combating smuggling and maritime security threats.

VIGIMARE – Vigilant Maritime Surveillance of Critical Submarine Infrastructure, is a three-year project that started in September 2024. Laurea University of Applied Sciences is the coordinator of the project. This is the first project that Laurea has won within the highly competitive EU Critical Infrastructure sector. The VIGIMARE project aims to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure owners against threats to the European submarine critical infrastructure.

Laurea is also participating in the CONNECTOR project funded by the Horizon Programme. The project aims to enhance European Integrated Border Management (EIBM) and the EU Customs Action Plan by further strengthening cooperation between Customs, Border, and Coast Guard Authorities. To achieve this objective, CONNECTOR will expand the Common Sharing Information Environment (CISE) networks and data models for use by Customs administrations and other border agencies, using innovative technology developed during the project. 

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