Caps in the air! Laurea to honour new graduates
Almost 200 graduates celebrated in Laurea's traditional Autumn Graduation Ceremony.

Smiles shone on faces of Laurea University of Applied Sciences students as they were warmly greeted by Jouni Koski, the Laurea’s President and CEO, at the beginning of the Autumn Graduation Ceremony.
The reception was held at the Hall of Culture (Kulttuuritalo) in Helsinki on December 18th 2018. The Ceremony celebrated all the students graduating in December 2018 and all those who have graduated after the last Graduation Ceremony in June.
A joyful crowd of students, their friends and families listened to the President’s speech, who congratulated all the students on their achievements:
- You have accomplished milestones in your life. I wish you best of success in your professional career and your personal life, president, CEO Koski said.
Also alumni Riina Rupponen, who graduated from Laurea Business Management studies in 2008 shared her thoughts with the students.
- I want to encourage you to be brave. Go after what is meaningful for you. Don’t be afraid of having crazy ideas. The future is yours, she encouraged.
By the end of the ceremony Anni Vihavainen, newly graduated from Business Administration studies, addressed her fellow students with a thoughtful speech.
- Always remember to keep trying even if you don’t succeed at first. Life will reward you sooner or later. Sometimes second options might be better. Good luck for you future, Anni said.
After the formal part there was a toast with a glass of sparkling for all the graduates and guests in the lobby of the Hall of Culture. The students also lined up for graduation photos taken by a professional photographer.
The ceremony honoured all the students who completed their academic degrees during the fall term. Almost 200 graduates were recognized for earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Laurea’s graduates traditionally wore a deep blue gown and a cap. During the commencement each student walked up the stage, where he or she shook hands with the President. Before the end of the ceremony the freshly graduated students were asked to throw their caps in the air.
The Graduation Ceremony was streamed live for all those friends and relatives who were unable to attend. It can be watched anytime on Laurea's YouTube channel.
After graduation all the students will join the Laurea's alumni community. During Laurea's 25-year history, more than 24,000 students have graduated from the university with a bachelor's or master's degrees. These Laurea alumni constitute a significant group of workplace experts in Finland and worldwide.