Laurea Circular Economy Jam
Circular Economy Jam on 27-28th of March at Laurea Leppävaara campus

Laurea is taking concrete steps in finding ways to improve circular economy and what a better way to do it than involving important stakeholders as we all know: Together we are stronger!
Laurea Circular Economy Jam is all about co-creation and combining different perspectives for a good cause but also having fun and networking with like-minded individuals. The event will have circular economy topics such as sustainable consumption, procurement and reuse. Participants will work with sprint like structure in groups. After the two day event we will end up with concrete results in form of prototypes or action plans so participants will surely get hands on experience of co-creation.
Laurea CE Jam 2019 is a part of the International Week programme and therefore the working language will be English. The two day event is organized 27.-28.3.2019 in collaboration with CIRC4Life H2020 –project, Circular Economy UAS -project and ESF-funded City Drivers -project.
You may follow the the insights and results of the event with #CEjamlaurea
Follow the above mentioned projects and Laurea’s circular economy related post with the following hashtags: #kiertotalouslaurea #CElaureaUAS #circ4life #kiertotalousAMK #circulareconomyUAS #citydrivers