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Escape Room Enhanced Multi-professional Healthcare Training and Education

Escape rooms are settings where teams of participants solve puzzles and riddles in a closed space with a particular theme to achieve predetermined goals, in a limited amount of time. Like serious-game-based approaches, they put the focus on interactional dynamics outside of the work context with its grown interaction patterns.

  • Implementation date11/1/2020 - 8/31/2023
  • FunderErasmus+ KA2
  • Research programmeSustainable and versatile social and health care
  • Project typeInternational RDI
  • ThemesDigitalisation and information management in society, Pedagogy and cocreation
  • Project managerPia Lahtinen

Escape rooms are settings where teams of participants solve puzzles and riddles in a closed space with a particular theme to achieve predetermined goals, in a limited amount of time.

Like serious-game-based approaches, they put the focus on interactional dynamics outside of the work context with its grown interaction patterns. This provides valuable insights on how teams work together. Exercises have large potentials for the learning of complex concepts.

By discussing these concepts in the context of simple exercises, participants can let go of all the burden of their professional knowledge and concentrate on new concepts. In reflective discussions the new insights can and should be linked back to clinical practice.

This form of learning is particularly attractive for generation Z students and can become an ideal tool for inter-professional, experiential learning. Although the notion of escape rooms is still new, it has been around for some time. The novelty in this project is to turn the experimental set-ups into ready to use (or ready to adapt packages) that can be used in different contexts. The material created and the guidance contained will allow broader community to use escape rooms for different purposes.

The initial break-through of developing the idea will be supplemented with a follow through that is needed to turn an innovative idea into an actual innovation. ESCAPE4HEALTH aims at creating scenarios for multi-professional, experiential training and education in healthcare; scenarios will also elaborate on themes related to pandemic. Escape rooms exploiting these scenarios are installed and set up in consortium institutions. Scenarios are also created in virtual/mixed/augmented reality environments allowing remote/distance training, thereby enabling mitigation of training in cases of pandemics.

ESCAPE4HEALTH explores the potential role of Escape Rooms in healthcare curricula and provides curricula enrichments and innovations to multi-professional education.

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