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Staff Exchange

Laurea is actively internationalising its teaching and administrative staff along side other international educational missions. We collaborate with our global partner institutions and organisations resulting in variety of international activities. Laurea welcomes teachers and staff members to visit, brainstorm new international teaching methods and to plan future co-operation.

Staff Mobility

Participation in international exchanges and projects forms part of Laurea's pedagogical, regional development, RDI and service activities. Laurea strives to cooperate with its partner institutions by planning and implementing themes, projects and other elements jointly.  About 350 Laurea staff members go on exchanges to partner institutions, conferences and projects every year and Laurea receives around 170 visitors from the partner institutions annually.

Teacher exchange is one form of staff mobility. Laurea's lecturers visit partner institutions to teach, and Laurea receives lecturers from partner institutions. Teaching can be part of for example a jointly build study unit or an intensive study programme. Non-teaching staff members from e.g. e-learning development, library services and international affairs visit partner institutions to benchmark and develop their field of work and in turn welcome their colleagues from partner institutions for visits at Laurea.

If you are interested in coming to Laurea on a teaching or staff visit please contact the planning officers. Laurea organizes an international week every spring which is open for teachers and other staff from Laurea's partner institutions to participate.

Here is a Guidebook (pdf) for our international visitors, which shows the different campuses and some practicalities in Laurea and in Finland.

Laurea's international partner institutions for mobility can be viewed in SoleMove system or in the world map below. 

International Week 2024

After our successful Laurea International Week 2023, we are happy to welcome you again to Laurea International Week 2024 which will be organised on 18th until 22nd of March, 2024. More information about the event will be given here.