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HippocrAItes is Laurea's new key partner

HippocrAItes Ltd, founded in 2023, develops a digital service that securely aggregates patient data on a single platform to make it easier to find and use patient information.

In the photo, from left to right, Elina Puttonen, HippocrAItes' communications specialist, Pekka Honkanen, Chairman of the Board and founding member, and Juuso Haavisto, CEO and co-founder.

- The healthcare sector is already developing a wide range of services based on the rich use of patient-specific data. Duodecim Electronic Decision Support is a good example of this, says Pekka Honkanen, Chairman of the Board of HippocrAItes.

HippocrAItes wants to be part of the change in the field and with the recent key partnership, it will involve Laurea students in developing accessibility and utilisation of patient data.

- We see collaboration with Laurea students primarily as an opportunity to find new talent and support our own development work in health technologies. We are currently launching several parallel projects in which we hope to involve Laurea students, says Juuso Haavisto, CEO of HippocrAItes.

- For example, researching the usability of HippocrAItes' patient data-based health record, Terveystil, is a great project where students' fresh perspectives can add significant value, Haavisto continues.

Terveystili is the result of HippocrAItes' development work and is a new concept that will require a skilled workforce in the future.

Key Partnership with Laurea

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