The project OODI studies offer different levels of learning solutions, from everyday digital skills to demanding professional skills in ICT industry. Language studies and the career guidance process are integrated into the studies to support the participant's guidance in their studies and their ability to study. The goal is to offer new knowledge, which has a high demand globally.

The training is provided by five Universities of Applied Sciences: Haaga-Helia, HAMK, Laurea, Metropolia and Xamk. OODI studies are aimed to persons who have been granted temporary protection in Finland. The courses are primarily online, meaning you can study them regardless of time and location. The studies are conducted mainly in English, which enables participation without Finnish language skills.
The project OODI (Ohjelmistoalan uutta osaamista ja ohjausta sekä digitaitoja Suomessa oleskeleville tilapäistä suojelua saaville) is a training program implemented with a special grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Digital Marketing
Do you want to understand the role of digital and social media marketing and advertising in business, or is it your dream to offer companies social media and digital marketing expert services? Digital marketing courses give you a practical understanding of the field of social media and digital marketing.
Programming skills
The training program is a great starting point for those who dream of becoming programmers, but the courses can also be taken by people looking to supplement their existing coding skills or change careers. The world is rapidly becoming digitalized and there is a major shortage of people with coding skills.
Study and working skills
In these studies, you get to know Finland and Finnish culture through the eyes of foreigners living in Finland. You will get to know the most typical features of Finnish society and, for example, how to look for job vacancies. You will also learn different study methods and techniques, as well as how to use digital work tools.
Language skills
Learn the basics of the Finnish language in our courses! These courses will help you to deal with everyday situations, such as introductions and simple conversations. The courses are suitable for students who have no previous experience of the Finnish language.
Service Design provide thinking models, practical process and tools to design services from a customer perspective. Business Design expands the Design thinking model towards business functions - how to create profitable, desirable and functioning business models. The study courses offer tools and viewpoints of customer-centric business.
Laurea's course offering
Introduction to Finnish language and culture 1
Date: from 23.10.2023 to 18.12.2023, Mondays from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Scope: 2 ECTS
Location: Laurea Tikkurilan kampus
Price: 0 €
Enrollment period: NOW (until 18.10.2023)
Starting level: Beginner (0), target level: A1.1
The course is aimed at Ukrainians who receive temporary protection in Finland.
You will learn the basic structures of the Finnish language, everyday vocabulary and how to interact in various social situations. Students also familiarize themselves with Finnish culture and society. Knowledge of the Latin alphabet is required.
If you enjoy studying in a group and learning by doing, this course is for you.
Platform Economy – A New Way to Make Money
Platform economy
Date: from 23.1.2023, ongoing MOOC course
Scope: 1 ECTS
Location: Online
Price: 0 €
Enrollment period: continuous (Year 2023)
This course is a journey into the diverse world of the platform economy. All in all, this course introduces dozens of different platforms from which the student can easily choose the platforms that are most interested in and start practicing platform work and learn how to earn extra income.
Aim of the course: The student gets a comprehensive understanding of the different forms of platform economics and their possibilities from the perspective of earning additional income. After the course, students are able to choose the most suitable platforms for their own competence.
Course content: The module introduces a wide range of national and international platforms from which a student can easily start a journey towards entrepreneurial working life.
Course material:
Wallenstein J, de Chalendar A, Revees M, Bailey A (2019) The New Freelancers – Tapping Talent in the Gig Economy, Boston Consulting Group tutkimusraportti.
The course is fully online (27 hours of work) so you can complete it according to your own schedule. Both required assignments have to be returned by 15th June 2023 (spring term) or by 15th December 2023 (autumn term). Further details are available at the Canvas -learning platform.
Basics of Digital Services
Date: 2.10. - 18.12.2023
Scope: 2 ECTS
Location: Online
Price: 0 €
Enrolment period: 11.9. - 24.9.2023
This course is a great way to learn fundamental skills of a modern way of deploying and delivering Digital Services by embracing Agile and DevOps practices.
After this course you’re able to:
- Define digital service and service key concepts
- Describe the key factors and principles of digitalization of organizations and adoptions of new technologies.
- Define and discuss the key concepts, DevOps vocabulary
- Understand DevOps principles and practices
- Discuss the basics of Agile and software development concept
Introduction to Contents:
00 Orientation
01 Digital Service
02 DevOps Essential
Learning material:
Tutorial Videos & slides
Learning tasks for the skills assessments
1: Everything you want to know about Agile by Jamie Lynn Cooke, chapter 1 to 5
2: DevOps for Dummies by Emily Freeman, chapter 1- 2
Student's use of time and load:
Reading E- books + Articles+Extra material= 25h
Watching Videos= 20h
Quizzes = 2h
Total = 45 hours
DevOps fundamentals
Date: 2.10. - 18.12.2023
Scope: 3 ECTS
Location: Online
Price: 0 €
Enrolment period: 11.9. - 24.9.2023
This online MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is built on an online platform so that you can complete it according to your own schedule. The course includes assignments that you must do to complete the course.
The objective of this course is to learn key concepts and techniques for the adoption of DevOps methods, processes, and practices. Further, the course also offers a deep understanding of how to apply the DevOps terminologies with vocabularies associates with DevOps tools.
You will learn how DevOps strategies and practices help organizations and enterprises to measure the current state, adopt DevOps culture, and how to achieve better software release frequency while improving overall quality.
Course consist of three modules:
- Module 1: DevOps The context
- Module 2: DevOps Principles and Practice
- Module 3: Devops Tools and Process
In addition you'll go through how to complete the course during the orientation module and you'll have the possibility to give feedback after the course.
After completing the course you are able to:
- understand the concepts, principles, and dimensions of DevOps and can explain them
- describe the lean software development process and recognize the use agile implementation practices
- describe DevOps strategies and practices that can be applied to streamline automation in all phases of software development life cycle and list the major steps of DevOps pipeline
- list the various elements of a DevOps culture
- analyze current trends in the most common and popular DevOps tools
- outline how to achieve DevOps transformation to leverage continuous integration and continuous delivery
Teaching methods:
This course is online MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) course so you can complete it according to your own schedule.
The course is broken down into manageable scheduled modules, designed to accelerate your learning process through diverse learning activities and assignments.
The competencies can be achieved by participating in online study modules with a wide range of interactive content including video lectures, reading material, infographics, PDF, slides. Further, the course also offers learning tasks for the skills assessments.
Further details about assignments' due dates are available at the Canvas -learning platform.
Course material:
All the material and links can be found from Canvas workspace.
The learning material will be shared during the course
- DevOps for Dummies by Emily Freeman
- DevOps - a Business Perspective by Oleg Skrynnik
- Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins by Nikhil Pathania
The course is evaluated on a scale pass - fail.
To pass, student needs to complete the module's study materials and assignments. In the final evaluation, you need to receive a score of 50 % or higher to pass this study module.
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
Date: 2.10. - 18.12.2023
Scope: 2 ECTS
Location: Online
Price: 0 €
Enrolment period: 11.9. - 24.9.2023
Digital marketing knowledge and tools are essential in today’s business. In this course, you will complete a digital marketing certification and get familiar with the key principles of digital marketing and its tools. The course is fully online so you can adjust the workload based on your schedule.
After completing the course you are able to:
- analyze current trends in digital services
- plan how to use digital sales channels
- use digital tools to support marketing
In this course, Canvas -digital learning platform is in use. Canvas will be open by the beginning of the course.
Course material:
Kotler, Kartajaya, Setiawan. 2016. Marketing 4.0. Available as an ebook at Laurea Finna library
The course is fully online so you can complete it according to your own schedule. Both required assignments have to be returned by 12th Dec 2023 when the course ends. Further details are available at the Canvas -learning platform.
The course is evaluated on a scale of pass / fail. To receive the grade "Pass", student must return both of the required assignment by the course deadline.
Contact Information:
This course is coordinated by Laurea's MOOC team. Should you have questions about the course, please direct all inquiries to mooc@laurea.fi. Please allow for a few working days for a response. Our response time may be longer during holidays.
Fundamentals of Subscription Economy
Date: 2.10. - 18.12.2023
Scope: 2 ECTS
Location: Online
Price: 0 €
Enrolment period: 11.9. - 24.9.2023
The subscription economy changes how we sell and buy services. Subscription economy is transforming businesses from one time purchases towards monthly payments and continuous value creation. Were not buying any more albums. Instead we pay a monthly subscription to services like Spotify or Apple Music. The same goes with movies (Netflix, Viaplay, AppleTV+, HBO, etc.).
You’re in the right place if you’re interested in understanding more about the subscription economy and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model.
After completing the course you are able to:
- explain what is Subscription economy and Software as a Service delivery model
- explain the implications of subscription economy in everyday life
- identify the role of metrics in a value creation process
- identify new business opportunities enabled by subscription economy
- apply an understanding of digital marketing to build growth
This course is online MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) course so you can complete it according to your own schedule.
- Virtual self-pace studies
- Bi-weekly individual assignments and online discussions
A weekly detailed schedule will be released in the beginning of the course. Optional online tutoring via Teams or at Laurea Leppävaara during the course.
Course contents done together with partner companies.
Course material
All the material and links can be found from Canvas workspace.
Student needs to complete all the course modules to pass the course:
- Module learning material
- Module discussions
- Module quizzes
- Additional tasks & material
Contact Information
This course is coordinated by Laurea's MOOC team. Should you have questions about the course, please direct all inquiries to mooc@laurea.fi. Please allow for a few working days for a response. Our response time may be longer during holidays.
Learn more about Oodi courses in other universities
Haaga-Helia, Metropolia, XAMK , HAMK
Contact information
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Kirstiina Laine
Tanja Metsomäki
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Virve Oksanen
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Outi Lemettinen
Stig Blomqvist